3.1 | Whispers & Rumors

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It was just like every other day at the academy. I navigated through the maze of students, my mind drifting as I performed my daily chores. The clatter of dishes and the hum of conversations created a familiar backdrop. As I scrubbed the remnants of breakfast from a particularly stubborn plate, I couldn't help but overhear hushed conversations. Whispers danced in the air, carrying tales of admiration and fawning. The subject? None other than my supposed mate.

"Have you seen him? I heard he's on the lookout for his mate."

"He's so dreamy. I wish he'd look my way."

The rumors echoed through the hallways, and curiosity gnawed at me like an itch I couldn't scratch. Who was this mysterious mate-seeker they spoke of? The whispers grew louder, and I couldn't help but eavesdrop, hoping to catch a name or some clue.

As I moved through the bustling corridors, the pain in my chest intensified with every whisper uttered. It felt like an invisible force had clutched my heart, squeezing it with an intensity that caught me off guard. I winced, unsure of the source of this sudden ache. What was this pain, and why did it seem to amplify with every whispered word about the mysterious man's search for his mate?

A group of girls gathered nearby, their voices dripping with excitement as they discussed the mysterious visitor and his quest for a mate.

"He's probably looking for someone special, you know. Someone extraordinary."

"Could you imagine if he picked one of us?"

"I'd die if he even looked my way."

As I listened to their girlish giggles and hopeful musings, an unexpected surge of discomfort coursed through me. Confused by the unfamiliar emotions bubbling within, I found myself muttering something under my breath, a sarcastic remark I hadn't planned.

"Maybe he's just here for a regular girl, you know, someone normal."

My words, laced with unintended bitterness, disrupted the harmony of their fantasy. The girls, caught off guard, turned their attention to me with narrowed eyes and clenched jaws.

"What's her problem?"

"Who invited her to this conversation?"

"Who asked for your opinion, Sirena? You're nothing special."

"You would think that, wouldn't you?" one girl scoffed, stepping closer. Her eyes held a glint of cruelty, her lude appearance emphasized by her bold makeup and haughty demeanor. "Please, there's no way he'll go for someone like you."

"Yeah, you wish anyone would look your way, let alone an alpha," another girl added, her tone dripping with disdain. She too was impeccably dressed, her appearance calculated to impress.

I scoffed, defiant. "I have a feeling none of you would benefit from someone like him. You know, being nothing but attention-seeking... well, you get the idea."

The words slipped out like an unfiltered truth, and I surprised even myself. The reaction from the girls was swift and cruel. Aggressive and defensive, they retaliated with venomous words, their harsh remarks aimed at tearing down my unexpected outburst.

"Don't delude yourself."

"I bet she's just jealous."

"You're nothing but an unloved, shiftless mutt."

The words stung, a barrage of defensive cruelty that echoed through the hallways. The sudden confrontation left me taken aback, regretting the slip of my tongue. How did they know about me not being able to shift? Curses. The defiant streak was long gone. "I'm sorry..." I muttered.

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