C27 - Demolishor

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The remainder of the trip unfolded without much fanfare. The sporadic fiend beasts posed no real threat, and the group arrived at Bayshore School without incident.

Thanks to a heads-up from Fong Ju, the recruitment director, three fully-staffed medical teams were ready and waiting at the entrance by the time everyone got there.

Injuries were tended to, and rest was taken; within thirty minutes, everyone was settled in.

By the following noon, compensation had been distributed. Zhou Mu wasn't sure about the others, but he was quite pleased with his own reward.

He received ten thousand credits and an opportunity to enter the Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth.

Zheng Hao had mentioned that the Sanctuary only offered three spots each year. Now, Zhou Mu had snagged two of them, and he could only imagine how many people might be green with envy.

But Zhou Mu wasn't concerned about them. He had earned his place fair and square and had nothing to feel guilty about.

The credits served a similar purpose to the points in the system store, acting as a special currency for exchanging restricted items.

Gator's injuries were minor and quickly healed after brief treatment.

However, due to burning its bloodline, Gator's quality had downgraded from Lord to ordinary, though it remained at the second rank with three stars.

This setback was minor, and Gator was expected to regain its Lord status before long.

The uproar caused by the Sinister Six incident had the school's senior administration tied up in meetings. Coupled with other issues, the official start of the academic year was postponed by two weeks.

With time to kill, Zhou Mu browsed Bayshore School's website to see what his credits could fetch.

He discovered an array of valuable items: energy-rich spirit herbs, cutting-edge technological gadgets, and a variety of foods perfect for nourishing spirit animals.

Yet, what caught Zhou Mu's eye the most were items that could enhance soul intensity.

Soul Fragment: A rare condensation that may form upon the death of a fifth rank or higher fiend beast. Using it could boost soul intensity by 0.3 points, with a maximum increase of five points.

This item was outrageously expensive, requiring 1000 credits for just one.

Zhou Mu might have balked at anything else, but he didn't bat an eye at the chance to enhance his soul intensity.

He snapped up six in one fell swoop, and with his natural recovery, he was on track to hit five points within a month, allowing him to upgrade his Soul Contract to level four.

He spent the remaining credits on high-grade spirit animal meat and energy-packed nuts.

Gator and Little Green had really pulled their weight in the recent battle; it was only right to treat them well.


Sea Immortal City, aptly named for its coastal location, boasted a rich variety of seafood.

But why not just call it Seafood City?

Imagine if other places were named after their signature dishes—Pancake Province, Meat Bun Metropolis, Donkey Burger Borough, Teppanyaki Town, Mutton Skewer Municipality...

Sounds odd, doesn't it?

"What'll it be?"

At a fish stall in the cafeteria, the kindly-faced owner asked with a beaming smile, brandishing a cleaver.

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