C22 - Lies Are Not Good Children

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Before Zhou Mu could even react, Goldie sidled up to him.

Lifting his wings, he gently stroked the crest on his head, his rear end wiggling in a way that seemed undeniably flirtatious.

"Hello there, beautiful lady! My name is Goldie, and I'm the boss's chicken..."



A jarring sound erupted, and Goldie vanished into thin air, only to reappear plastered against a nearby tree.

Zhou Mu: "..."

Fong Ju: "!!!"

The students: "???"

With a resigned sigh, Zhou Mu plucked Goldie from the tree and nonchalantly tossed him onto the car roof.

It had to be said, the creature was surprisingly resilient.

Once Gator advanced to a Lord-tier fiend beast, a single swipe of its tail could reduce a peer elite fiend beast to mush, and even a leader would be left critically wounded.

Yet Goldie, after two hits, looked a bit disheveled but was otherwise completely unscathed.

Flapping his wings, Goldie hopped down and sauntered over to the hen, adopting an air of nonchalance.

"May I have the pleasure of your acquaintance, beautiful lady?"

"Cluck cluck?"

The hen gave him a sidelong glance and promptly laid another egg, rump in the air.

Zhou Mu: "..."

Hai Ming: "..."

"Zhou, I can't help but feel your bird is a bit... well... it's just not quite..."

Hai Ming struggled to find the words, but Zhou Mu got the gist.

"The biggest regret of my life was making a contract with it. I've got this nagging feeling it's going to ruin my reputation."

Zhou Mu facepalmed, feeling the onset of a massive headache.

"I've never seen a spirit animal that can talk before. Zhou, how much did you pay for this bird?"

"It didn't cost a dime; the boss gave it to me!"

Hai Ming: "???"

Though Hai Ming was clueless about Goldie's origins, the velocity at which the bird had been flung and the depth it embedded into the tree gave a rough idea of Gator's formidable strength.

Yet, despite such a fearsome attack, Goldie acted as if nothing had happened. One could only wonder about the extent of his resilience.

"Get in the car, quick! Get in the car!" Fong Ju couldn't stand it any longer. One was strutting around like a person, the other squatting and laying eggs – it was a sight for sore eyes.

"Okay, okay!" Hai Ming quickly nodded and bowed, hastily gathering up the old hen.

"Heartbreak is sometimes unavoidable, but why should I fall so deeply? Youth is bound to leave some regrets." Zhou Mu let out a sigh, leaping onto Zhou's shoulder. "Boss, your bird's heartbroken."

Zhou: "..."

Once everyone was aboard, the driver set off. With over a thousand kilometers to the destination, they were in for a twenty-hour journey.

Zhou dozed off in his seat, while Gator hopped about the vehicle.

"Hello there, beautiful," Gator greeted, eyeing the curve accentuated by the girl's clothes.

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