C15 - My Good Grandson Don't Cry Anymore

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After saying goodbye to Zhang Liang and the others, Zhou Mu handed the car keys to the housekeeper, Chunhua, and hailed a taxi back to the Zhou family estate.

"Grandfather! Grandfather! Grandfather!" Zhou Mu called out instinctively, then paused, feeling a bit off. Why did he sound like a character from a children's show?

"My dear grandson, you've finally decided to visit your old grandpa," the elder Zhou greeted him with a warm, twinkling smile, showing no trace of the ferocity he had when he chased Uncle Ming and Zhou Ming out of the house during the New Year festivities.

"I've been swamped with exams lately!" Zhou Mu explained as he settled next to the old man, carefully avoiding any mention of needing money and instead chatting about school life.

The old man had weathered many storms over the years; he had seen it all and could read people like an open book. The moment Zhou Mu shifted uncomfortably, the old man knew exactly what was coming.

On the surface, the two engaged in trivial family talk, but inwardly, each was biding their time, waiting for the other to show their hand.

Eventually, Zhou Mu caved.

The old man had the patience of a saint and could wait days, even weeks, if necessary. Zhou Mu, on the other hand, was in dire straits—he urgently needed the cash.

"Grandfather, could you lend me some money? My dad's been so harsh on me, only giving me five hundred thousand a month. It's barely enough to live on. I've had to hunt fiend beasts in the wilderness just to survive, always on edge, always in danger. If luck hadn't been on my side this time, the Zhou lineage might have ended with me."

As he spoke, Zhou Mu covertly rubbed his eyes with his finger, releasing the sting of capsaicin and causing large tears to stream down his face.

The capsaicin he'd bought from the system store was potent—after practicing his 'spicy palm' technique for so long, he wouldn't dare touch his food with that hand, let alone his eyes.

But desperate times called for desperate measures. He risked it for the sake of convincing his grandfather, only to immediately regret it as the fiery sensation invaded his nostrils, triggering a flood of tears and mucus.

That was bad enough, but then memories of his past life's struggles for survival surfaced, overwhelming him with a wave of sorrow that left him sobbing uncontrollably.

Then, he burst into uncontrollable tears!

The sight of his grandson sobbing so deeply took the old man by surprise.

He had assumed the boy was merely whining about being broke, but now, seeing his current state, he couldn't fathom the hardships he'd endured lately.

Recalling Zhou Mu's earlier words about struggling without enough food or warm clothes, living in constant fear, and facing endless crises, the old man's heart ached, quickly followed by a surge of rage.

Of the Zhou family's second generation, the youngest son was a wild card, the middle son preoccupied with quelling spatial rifts, leaving only the eldest to produce an heir.

It was bad enough not to coddle the sole successor, but to cut off his allowance, driving him into the perilous wilds to hunt fiend beasts, was beyond the pale!

The old man's fury knew no bounds. He embraced Zhou Mu, offering words of comfort, then furiously dialed Zhou Chun's number and unleashed a tirade, "Zhou Chun, you wretched cur, damn you..."

His tirade left Zhou Chun completely bewildered, clueless as to what had set him off.

Once the old man's anger seemed to cool slightly, Zhou Chun was about to inquire about the cause of the outburst, but the line went dead.

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