C8 - Thickskinned Palm(2)

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Spicy Palm Technique: Submerge your hands in chili-infused water for ten-minute sessions. Persist until your hands adapt, then graduate to chili powder or even spicier herbal concoctions. Striking an enemy, the fiery essence infiltrates their skin, inducing swelling, inflammation, and excruciating pain.

"Have they lost their minds? Who's the moron that came up with this martial art? And it's got a bunch of idiots slapping on five-star reviews? Claims of beauty enhancement and fixing a split stream? Ridiculous."

Zhou Mu ranted furiously, yet despite his tirade, he too left a five-star rating.

He couldn't be the only one duped; he had to rope others in, or else how could he live up to the legacy of his predecessors' tall tales?

Dismissing the Spicy Palm Technique as a worthless trick, Zhou Mu pondered its purpose. Was it only good for spicing up dishes without the need for actual chilies?

"The real issue is my lack of soul intensity and the absence of money," he mused.

His father was pushing for an engagement between Zhou Mu and Qi Xiang, but his heart wasn't in it.

In a world overrun by fiend beasts, power was the currency of survival.

Without it, wealth could be plundered, loved ones could drift away, and even life itself could slip through one's fingers.

Thus, Zhou Mu's priority was to become formidable. Only after achieving strength would he entertain thoughts of career and romance.

"Enough of this. Time to enhance my physique, then head into the wilds to hunt fiend beasts."

Given his current capabilities, taking down a level three fiend beast was well within reach.

The demise of these creatures sometimes yielded soul fragments, and their carcasses could fetch a good price.

If he hunted prolifically, wealth and prosperity would soon be his.

Upon accessing the system store, Zhou Mu was momentarily taken aback.

"What's this? New items?"

A semi-transparent list materialized before him, piquing his curiosity.

Soul Fragment, Granule: There's a slim chance of obtaining this from a fourth rank or higher fiend beast upon its death. Using it boosts soul intensity by 0.2 points, with a maximum increase of 3 points. It requires 500 points to acquire.

Capsaicin: Sourced from the fiery Devil Pepper, it boasts an extreme level of heat. Only 1 point is needed for purchase.

The Soul Fragment, in granule form, is twice as potent as the powder, with the cap increased from 2 points to 3 points.

Yet, in comparison to a total soul intensity of 222 points, these items hardly seem significant.

But there's no alternative; items that enhance soul intensity are regulated, and even with money, they're tough to acquire.

The few that do make it to the outside world are only available on the black market, at exorbitant prices.

The Capsaicin, however, is somewhat of a curiosity.

It's cheap and highly effective, clearly baiting Zhou Mu to give it a go.

Others might have been tempted, but Zhou Mu? He's the man who faces the world with unabashed confidence!

Since it's inexpensive, why not give it a try?

After redeeming points for five units of Capsaicin, Zhou Mu dipped his finger in it and tasted it.

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