C19 - It Was a Winwin Situation

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Zhou Mu gulped down 20 Eastern Divine Ginsengs in one breath, but his body couldn't break them down quickly enough, leading to an accumulation of toxins.

Thankfully, he had the system to rely on; otherwise, that single mouthful could have done him in.

Post-ginseng, his physique attribute skyrocketed, eventually plateauing at 100 points.

Despite feeling a surplus of unprocessed medicinal power, he hit a ceiling and couldn't push further.

As he had anticipated, there was indeed a limit to the efficacy of ordinary herbal remedies.

Next up were the Dragon Horn Roots, which resembled ginseng but crunched like carrots.

Biting into them sent a spray of juice across his palate—a truly delightful taste.

Devouring 30 Dragon Horn Roots, Zhou Mu's Strength attribute leaped from 37 to 100 points, then plateaued just like his physique attribute.

He set aside the remaining 26 roots for Goldie to enjoy upon her return.

The Six-Eyed Flying Fish, about ten centimeters long and as thick as a pinky finger, had a tender and delicate flesh that was often marinated and eaten raw to preserve both its effects and flavor.

Zhou Mu, short on time and unconcerned about the slight nutritional loss, simply gutted the fish and stewed them in a large pot.

The fish was succulent, and the broth was richly aromatic—a truly exceptional treat.

After polishing off half a pot, Zhou Mu's Agility attribute maxed out.

Gator eagerly claimed the leftovers.

Full and content, man and snake sprawled on the bed, faces brimming with bliss.

Goldie, upon her return, nibbled on a few Dragon Horn Roots and settled down beside them, drifting into a nap.

The robustness of a Lord-tier spirit animal meant it could fully withstand the toxicity of these spirit medicines, so there was no concern over toxin buildup in their systems.


Time flew by, and only ten days remained until the start of the new school term.

With the exams concluded, successful students began filling out their enrollment forms, while those who didn't make the cut were left to seek alternative paths.

As he approached the classroom, the clamor from within was unmistakable. Peering inside, there was a clear divide: some students huddled together in animated discussion, while others, faces etched with disappointment, packed up their belongings. It was a single room, yet it held two very different realities.

"Zhou Mu, you're incredible!" Hai Ming, his deskmate, appeared out of nowhere, delivering a hearty slap to Zhou's shoulder. His smug expression suggested his exams had gone well.

"To think you got Wu Yuexia so riled up she nearly burst a blood vessel—classic Zhou Mu, always living up to my expectations!" Hai Ming's laughter boomed, drawing a slew of disapproving glares.

"She's too sensitive and quick-tempered; can't handle a bit of ribbing," Zhou Mu sighed, stepping away to distance himself from the immaturity. He had no desire to catch the foolishness bug—he aimed to stay sensible.

"Give it a rest. You devoured her elite spirit animal and then call her sensitive? Lucky for us, Wu Yuexia isn't here, or else... Uh..." Hai Ming's taunt trailed off as his face twisted into an awkward grimace.

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