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"I'm coming" I screamed from the room as I bent over to wear my shoes.

Saro is outside, waiting for me to join her. She has carried all our belongings to the car and we are ready to leave to the metropolis. Saro and I have gotten more closer and madly in love with each other, after spending a full week together in this resort, making love each day and night and learning ourselves the more. I must say the vacation was all we needed.

"What's still keeping you....." She said as she got in the room but paused when she saw me battling with my shoes.


Saro quickly bent over to fix my shoes and after a while she was done.

"Thanks baby" I mumbled.

I held her around the waist and drew her closer to me. She smiled and crossed her arms around my shoulder. Saro's eyes were so beautiful as she stared into mine. I pushed my lips forward and she smiled again. She locked our lips and kissed me so passionately.

"I will forever cherish this. All the memories of this place, I shall never forget. I love you so much baby." She said in a sultry voice that made me blush.

Saro kissed me one more time before interlocking our fingers and we left the room. Zen and Ana were at the door waiting for us. Of course they know we are leaving today and they are sad about it. According to them, we made their stay here more lively. I must confess they were also fun to be with and I was already getting used to them. For the past one week that we were here, we have had nothing but fun with them.

"I can't believe you're going already" Ana said with a sad expression on her face.

"I'm sorry we have to. Our honeymoon is over and Saro has so much to take care of at the office. We can't afford to spend one more day here" I said warmly.

"We completely understand.. I will miss you though" Ana said as she spread her arms to hug me.

We parted each other when we noticed that Saro and Zen already left us behind. Why are they so impatient? Especially Saro. She couldn't even wait for us to say a proper goodbye?

"We still have two more weeks to spend here. It won't be fun without you" Zen said to Saro as we got closer to the car.

"I wish we can stay some more..." She responded.

"That's fine. Have a safe trip back home" Zen said.

"Thank you so much."

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation" I said to Ana before leaving with Saro to the car but she suddenly stopped.

"Uhm..." saro muttered as she turned back to them.

"Did you forget something?" Zen asked in concern.

"Not really. Just that I have been thinking about something" she said and we became curious to know what it was.

"It's just an offer. You can either accept it or not, based on your interest. Whichever you decide is fine" Saro said as she took out her business card and gave to Zen.

"FSC corporation?" Zen mumbled and looked at Saro in surprise.

I can totally understand why he's surprised right now. We were here together for a week but they didn't know who Saro truly is. They didn't know her full name because nobody told them who we are. 

"How about joining my company Zen? Let's become business partners. I will give you a good offer that will elevate your status. Maybe with that, Ana's family will finally give their consent" Saro said.

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