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I have been trying to stay calm for the past 1 hour while waiting for Heng but he's not here yet. Even his contact isn't connecting anymore. Maybe he's busy at the office. Gosh! I am running out of patience.

I walked to the door and knocked again for like the millionth time. If only she can open the door. I just want to be sure she's okay.

"Is everything okay ma'am? You have been pacing up and down for a while now" Mrs Ann asked behind me and I turned to her.

Should I tell her what's going on? Can she be of help? But she's just a house help who just started working here. We are not close to talk about personal matters. I can't bother her with my problem. Besides how can she help with the situation?

"It's nothing. Everything is fine" I said weakly.


I can tell by the look on her face that she obviously didn't buy that but she didn't have the courage to ask any further.

"How about your wife? I haven't seen her anywhere downstairs today" she asked while looking towards the door.

I remained silent as I didn't know what to answer.

"I am sorry if you're uncomfortable with my questions but I am just worried. Breakfast is long ready. But madam hasn't come out yet. That's unlike her."

She's not half as worried as I am. I have so many things running in my head. Should I call her mum on the phone and ask her to come over? Rebecca listens to her mum and I'm sure she will help in this situation but isn't it too early to start getting parents involved?

It would have been better if Heng has arrived but his contact isn't even connecting. Maybe he stayed for the meeting? I thought he only needed to drop the file in the office.

I can't call Mrs Chankimha either. Maybe I should tell Mrs. Ann. She's older and should have more experiences about marriage.

"Uhm.. Mrs Ann" I called.

"Yes ma'am"

I swallowed hard as I contemplate further whether or not I should ask her. Mrs. Ann was so eager to hear it so I decided to say it anyways.

"What will you do if you get your partner so angry that they don't want to see you?" I finally asked and she smiled.

"Already having a couple's fight?" She asked with a smile and I let out a sigh.

"It's more than that" I mumbled.

"I told her a secret that I had kept from her and she got mad and...." I continued.

"And has refused to talk to you?" She asked cutting me off and I nodded.

"She hates me now Mrs. Ann." I said in a sad tone.

"How did you know that she actually hates you?" She asked

"She asked me to leave. She can't stand seeing my face" I said and again she smiled.

"It's funny how young people of today assume things" She said.

"She asked you to leave because she is disappointed and mad at you not because she hates you."


"I think sending you away is her way of responding to pain." She continued.


"Your wife is only angry ma. That doesn't mean she hates you"

I felt a little relieved hearing that. I took a deep breath trying to convince myself that Rebecca doesn't hate me. She's only angry...

Never Enough (Gip X Girl)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant