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I have been up for a while now stroking her cheeks and admiring how beautiful she is when sleeping. I haven't seen someone as beautiful and cute as Rebecca. She's so fragile just like a baby. I want to take care of her the best I can and I want to protect her. But I guess I have already failed even before trying... I have failed her.

My heart skipped when she opened her tiny eyes. But I didn't let go of her cheeks. She's just like a baby and I love pinching her cheeks. Rebecca smiled from ear to ear when I kissed her on the forehead.

"Good morning sweetheart" I greeted and she smiled again.

"Good morning Teerak" she responded and rested her head on my chest.

We stayed like that for some minutes. My heart is beating fast. I am having a mixed feeling. It's another day and a day to say the truth. I have decided to tell Rebecca everything as it happened from the beginning. The ones I did and why I did them. And the ones I can't even explain how it happened.

I wrapped my hands around her as we cuddled for a long time. This might probably be our last time cuddling so I closed my eyes to feel every bit of it. I should enjoy the best I can now.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked bringing my mind back to her.

"How can I not when you're next to me"

"Flirting as always. Huh?"

"You can't blame me. You're so lovely"

Rebecca chuckled and looked at me. I tightened my grip on her and kissed her. She immediately responded to my kisses which gave me butterflies in my tummy. After a while she parted us and cupped my cheeks.

I looked into her beautiful eyes and instantly got so emotional. I can't stand it anymore. My conscience is killing me so badly. I should tell her everything right now. I need to tell her so I can be free.

"There's something.. I.. I need to.. tell you" I said.


She's looking at me waiting to hear what I have to say. I gulped severally before opening my mouth..

"Rosie and I are not friends... Not as she introduced" I blurted out and Rebecca looked at me in surprise.

"We had... had something.... in the past" I continued.

Rebecca blinked and let go of my cheeks. I am so nervous. My hands are shaking and my heart started beating so fast. All the smiles on Rebecca's face vanished in tin air. Her eyes were so sharp as she stared at me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. But it didn't make me calm. It didn't stop me from shaking. Rebecca was only staring at me with no single expression as I told her everything from the beginning.

"A week to our wedding..." I paused and looked at her.

"I went to see her to talk things over. But I can't explain what happened or how I lost control and ... and..." I stuttered because it was so heavy to say it out.

Tears clouded in her eyes when I finally said that. Seeing her tears pushed mine out as well. I feel so heartbroken that I made her cry. I don't like to see a single tear in her eyes.

"I am so sorry baby. Please forgive me. I didn't mean for all that to happen. Please don't cry. I can't handle seeing your tears" I said and cupped her cheeks.


Rebecca closed her eyes as her tears kept falling which breaks my heart the more.

"I know I have hurt you deeply. I have broken your trust in me. But please give me a second chance. I regret all of my actions. I regret it all baby." I pleaded while drying her tears.

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