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Rosie and Rebecca joined at the dinning shortly after I settled down. Rosie sat next to me while Rebecca sat directly opposite me. The food was served and we started eating.

"So tell me. How has it been? I mean the married life?" Rosie asked.

"Well, we are getting to know each other better as day goes by"

"That's beautiful. I know and trust that Sarocha will treat you right" she said.

"She sure will" Rebecca smiled shyly as she glanced at me.


"So when are you leaving...?" I asked changing the topic and Rosie rolled her eyes.

"She really hates that I am here..." Rosie mumbled to Rebecca with a sad tone.

"Aren't you supposed to be shooting for the new contract?" I asked cutting her off.

"That's part of why I am in your country..."

"That's fine. I have a comfortable hotel you can stay for as long as you wish"

"Can't believe you're sending me away.."

"Of course I am. I don't want anyone around not while on my honeymoon."


"I'm not so familiar with Thai food. How is this dish?" Rosie asked changing the topic.

"It's really nice. I think you should try it." Rebecca responded while pushing the food closer to her.

I remained silent but hurting inside. I can see how happy and how kind Rebecca is to Rosie. I wish she would have a change of heart and leave us alone in peace. I wish I can go back in time to fix all the mess I made.

During those time, I was confused about my feelings for Rebecca. But not anymore. It's certain that I love her so much and I want a long lasting marriage with her. Maybe I should come clean to Rebecca. But what if she hates me after hearing the truth? I can't take it at all.

My eyes widened when I felt a hand on my laps. Fuck! That's Rosie's hand. I instantly looked at her. She can read the look on my face. The look that says "what the hell are you doing?"

Rosie smiled and picked up her spoon. But her left hand didn't leave my laps. I became uncomfortable and started sweating inside. Rebecca didn't know what was going on. How can I explain the situation to her.

I almost got choked when Rosie's hand ran from my laps to my member and I started coughing.

"Teerak? Is the food that spicy? Please take some water" Rebecca said while offering me a glass of water.

The food is okay. I am coughing because of that sudden move Rosie made. I instantly stood up. I don't think I want to continue eating anymore.

"I will just.... just... go to the room now" I stuttered while getting up.

"Babe ..." Rebecca mumbled confusedly. I smiled and walked to her.

"It's nothing sweetie. I am fine. I will wait in the bedroom. Okay? Don't stay long" I said and this time she smiled.

My heart hurts a lot. As if a knife is piercing through it. I was so stupid. I hate myself for everything. I can't take it if my family falls apart this way. I have come to love my wife beyond words and I am ready to give up everything just to keep her forever.

I staggered to our bedroom and laid on the bed while facing the ceiling. Heng said he would talk to Rosie on my behalf but I don't think I can wait till then. She's here and I don't know what will happen next. she had the guts to grab my cock infront of my wife, who knows what she will do next.

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