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Saro and I walked into the garage. My eyes widened when I saw the new car decorated beautifully. I looked at Saro who has a broad smile on her lips. Gosh I can't believe she got the latest porsche for me. I screamed in excitement and jumped on her. I have never dreamt of riding in such an expensive car in my whole life.

This is the second expensive car Saro has gifted me within the space of 6 weeks. Now I understand why Irin keeps teasing how lucky I am to have married a Chankimha. Indeed I am lucky to be Saro's wife.

Saro gave me the car keys and I ran to the car. She stood watching me as I run around the car. Admiring every part of it. The inside is so beautiful and I could smell luxury. I got in and started the engine, oh there's totally a big difference between this car and my old car. I know I bought it with my hard earned money but I don't miss it one bit and I don't care what Richie wishes to do with it.

I ran back to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much baby. I love it so much" I said and I can hear her giggling.

After a short while, she parted us and held my hands.

"I am so sorry for everything Rebecca. Let's put aside our misunderstandings and go back to how we used to be" she said and I quickly nodded.

"Yes baby. I also don't like having issues with you. And you should know that I have forgiven you. From my heart" I said and she smiled.

"I have missed you so much and I have missed our baby too." She said with her eyes fixed on my bloated stomach like she badly wants to touch it.

As if she couldn't control it anymore, she bent over and kissed my tummy. For strange reasons my whole body trembled. I can tell from her eyes that she has been dying to do that for so long.

When we had that problem, I stopped her from getting close to me nor touching my stomach to feel the baby. The baby can't move yet but she always says she could feel it emotionally. So kissing and touching it again must mean so much to her.

She stood up and cupped my cheeks. Saro's hands were so warm as she caressed my cheeks. I have missed us being like this. I have missed her gentle touches.

"I thought I have lost you forever. I was so scared. Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise you that you will never regret it" she said and kissed me on the forehead.

I placed my arms around her shoulder and drew us closer to each other.

"I don't want to go on a vacation but I have where I badly want to go" I said with a naughty smile on my face


"Yes baby. And you're coming with me"

Saro was a little surprised but she followed me to the new car. I handed over the car key to her and got on the passenger seat. I have become so lazy to drive by myself ever since I got married to her. And thankfully she doesn't complain at all.

I told her where we are going and what I planned for us. And she totally loved it. We need to make up for the one week of our honeymoon that we didn't have. So going a little far away from home where it's just us won't be a bad idea at all.

Saro drove off after putting on her seatbelt and we started our journey to the resort.

We got there after about two hours of driving. I must confess Saro is so fun to ride with. I also noticed that she loves snacking while having a road trip. I can't keep counts of how many stores we stopped by to buy snacks and picked other things we would need for the few days.

"So beautiful" she mumbled as we got out of the car.

I know she would love here. Saro loves nature so she will definitely love here. The beach, the trees and flowers, and the building. It's purely a natural environment and people of different races come here to spend quality time with their loved ones.

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