Lets find a Suit thats right For You!

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Tyler groaned as he was dragged to the mall by his boyfriend against his will. He really, really didn't want to be here.
But unfortunately because Aiden was a dumbass
He had to be.

Tyler sighed and dragged his feet(literally) through the mall. He hated this. Really, really hated this. Logan walked next to him, holding (more like dragging him) his hand. Tyler sighed.
"Do I have to be here?"

"Are you his friend?" Logan shot back. Tyler groaned.
"Then yes. Suck it up and stop whining."
"I am not whining,"
"Your acting like a kid who's dad just dragged them to Home Depot to look at wall colors,"
"Jokes on you my dads dead so I never got that experience!"

Logan pinched Tyler's ear.

"OW OW OW OW OK ILL STOP PLEASE BABE IM SORRY!" Tyler grabbed Logan's wrist. Logan simply hummed in satisfaction and pulled his hand off. Tyler grunted.

And here he thought Logan was sweet as sugar. Remind him to never piss off this man.

They talked as they walked, arriving at the shop they had agreed upon early. Tyler looked inside the shop, cringing.
"Jesus this looks expensive.." he muttered.
Logan nodded in agreement—this shop made him feel broker than he was.

"Hey lovebirds!" Aiden called out as he ran to them. "Wassup?"
"Hey Aiden, Hey Ben!" Logan greeted them as they approached.
"Your late." Tyler grunted. Logan shot him a look and he shut up. Aiden snorted and Ben bit back his laughter.

Tyler sighed. "Let's just get done with this stupid thing."
"Yes! Let us find a suit that's right for me!" Aiden said.
"Was that a five nights at Freddy's reference?" Logan asked, laughing.
"Yes it was!" Aiden said proudly.

Ben sighed. "Aiden, I told you on the way here your not getting a suit. Your trying to impress her not ask for her hand in marriage." He typed.

"Maybe one day!" Aiden said cheekily, only to be bonked on the head by both Ben and Logan.

Aiden slumped. They walked in the store and Tyler and Logan's mouths dropped. Holy shit it was nicer than it looked! It was more like—a great value version of a Gucci store. Not quite as extravagant but enough to make any person below the upper class gawk. The walls were painted with a nice wine red and clothes hung off the racks.
"Holy shit." Tyler and Logan said in unison.
"Ha. Poor." Aiden cackled and then yelped as Ben hit him on the head again, causing him to bite his tongue. The jerk.
"Let's find something simple—"
"Too late!" Aiden said, running and disappearing into the racks. Logan and Ben groaned.


"Ok, we've got to be doing something wrong." Aiden grumbled as he looked down at himself in the mirror and what he had tried on again. An all white outfit—and yet it looked like he was either being married, going to a wedding, or hiring a hit man later that evening. He didn't mind that last one—but Ben did.
"Aiden, are you ok in there?" Logan asked from outside the fitting room.
"I look like a mafia boss!" Aiden grumbled.
"It can't be that bad!"
"Yeah, show us."

Aiden sighed and stepped out, and Tyler bit back his laughter. He looked stupid as fuck. Logan glared at him and he shut up.
"Yeah, way to fancy for a dance recital." Ben typed.
"No shit." Logan said, putting his hand on his hip. "Ashlyn's probably not going to want Luigi the Italian mafia boss at her recital,"
Ben rolled his eyes. Good god—he thought Logan was sweet and shy when he met Logan. He supposed the boy was pretty anxious—but that attitude was thrown out the window when he was with his friends. He sassed them any minute he got.

"What are you guys even going for?" Tyler piped up.
"Simple, but elegant." Aiden said. "So far we've got elegant down—but not simple."
"Oh for Christ's sake! It's no wonder." Tyler grabbed Aidens shoulders and spun him around, looking him up and down. "Who picked this out?"
"I did," Aiden said.
"Your an idiot." Tyler snapped. He turned to Logan. "You got an idea babe?"
Logan nodded. "One,"

Ben quirked an eyebrow. "By All means. Show us."

Logan nodded. He got a few clothes off the rack, handing them to Aiden.
"Here. Put these on instead."
Aiden looked at them skeptically. "Are you sure..?"
Logan nodded confidently. "Mhm!"
Aiden sighed and walked in the fitting room again.
After a few moments, he walked out.
"Does it look ok?"

Logan grinned and Ben gave a thumbs up

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Logan grinned and Ben gave a thumbs up. Tyler grunted in approval.
"It looks great Aiden!" Logan said, smiling.
Aiden slumped with relief. "Thanks! So..I think this is the one!"
"Great! Can we get the fuck out of here now?" Tyler snapped.
Logan shot him a look. Aiden cackled.
Ben smiled. "Actually, since we're all here right now why don't we get some shopping done? I still need to get Taylor a gift for Christmas."
Logan perked up, excited at the idea. "Yeah we should totally do that!"

Tyler groaned. "Oh God please no—"
"Too late!" Aiden grinned, having changed out of the clothes at lightning speed. They paid and left.

Tyler groaned. "I hate you all."


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