Lost and Found?

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Ashlyn sighed as she stomped down the hallways of school.
Her phone wasn't in the library and wasn't in the hallway that the fight happened.
So her next best place?
The lost and found.

As she approached the cafeteria, she heard voices coming from indie. Particularly voices near the big ugly black bin that the school used for lost and found.
A familiar annoying voice.
Oh boy.
What had Aiden lost?
Ashlyn took a deep breath as she walked inside, pushing the door open.
She saw the others there. Logan and Tyler talking, while Aiden dug through the bin(literally).
Taylor and Ben were watching him with a look of concern on their faces.
"Uh.." Ashlyn paused, debating whether or not she should go back to the hallway. Too late now though, the idiot spotted her.

"Ash!" Aiden cheered, prompting Ashlyn to swiftly cover her ears. "Your here!"
"Yeah, um. I'm looking for my phone," Ashlyn said. Might as well be honest. And if he found it then it saves her some time.
"Ohhhhh I'm looking for a phone too!" Aiden said.
"Why? Did you lose yours to?"
"He's planning on stealing a phone," Tyler said, rolling his eyes.
"Stealing? Isn't he like—rich as hell though? Why would he need to steal one?" Ashlyn said bluntly.
"That's STEALING Aiden!" Logan snapped back.

Ashlyn gulped. Oh.

They were looking for her phone, weren't they?

Well shit.

Ben noticed the look on her face, silently glaring at her from a distance. Just tell them goddamnit before he did! He wanted Ashlyn to be the one to tell them, not him. They should hear it from her mouth not his.
Tyler sighed angrily. "How are we even going to FIND her phone if we don't know what it looks like genius?"
Aiden paused his digging.
"I didn't think that far.."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Course you didn't. Dumbass."
Logan smacked Tyler's arm. "He's Trying! It's the thought that counts!"
Tyler rubbed his arm, rolling his eyes. "You mean a stupid, stealing friends phone thought."
Logan was about to say something but then stopped. Tyler did have a point.
Tyler chuckled at the other boy. A faint blush covered his cheeks but he quickly squashed the feeling. No. No no. Just forget about these feelings and move on!

It would pass.


While the boys bickered, Taylor made her way over to Ashlyn. Ashlyn cringed, their last conversation didn't end well.
Taylor hugged Ashlyn, squeezing her tightly.
Ashlyn was confused—but also—holy shit she couldn't breathe!
"Tay—Taylor—Taylor I can't—BITCH I CAN'T BREATHE!" Ashlyn gasped out.
Taylor immediately let her go, an apologetic look on her face. "Ah sorry! Sorry.."
"What was that even for?" Ashlyn snapped.
Taylor sighed. "I wanted to..apologize. For our fight at the party. I lost my cool and said some things I shouldn't have. And I'm sorry for making your storm out like that.."

Ashlyn stared at Taylor with a blank face. Well shit.
What the hell was she supposed to say?
'Oh it's fine I was just being a complete dick to get you mad at me so you would distance yourself from me and I could continue to text you anonymously?'

Yeah. No.

"It's..fine I guess? I wasn't that upset.." Ashlyn mumbled, feeling Awkward.
Taylor looked at Ashlyn, worry written over her face.
"Are you sure? Seriously I'll—"
"Oh my god stop it's fine!" Ashlyn snapped, then recoiled. "Uh, sorry."
"It's ok!" Taylor said, happy. "So uh, are we good now?"
Ashlyn paused for a second.
"Yeah.." She mumbled. "We're good.."

Taylor smiled brightly and squealed a little, hugging Ashlyn tightly. Ashlyn groaned.

"HA HA!"

The girls sighed as they watched the boys. Jesus, they were talking for a DAMN minute and things spiraled out of control.
"I'm gonna check the bin real quick—" Ashlyn said, walking towards the bin.
Aiden popped his head up. "Unfortunately, I don't think it's here. There's no phones in the bin."
Aiden sighed, putting his head in his hands. Great. Now he wouldn't be able to find Ms. Kevin this way.

Ashlyn sighed. "Figures.."
Taylor pat her back. "It's ok! Maybe it's just in a classroom or something,"
Suddenly, Taylor snapped, getting everyone's attention. "Oh! I completely forgot to mention!"
"Mention what Tay?" Tyler asked.
"There's a fair apparently coming to town this weekend, how would you guys feel if we went together? Y'know as a group?" Taylor smiled.
"That...could be really fun actually!" Logan said happily. He was excited, he hadn't really been to many fairs.
"I'll go if Aiden or Taylor goes," Ben typed.
"Im going!" Aiden cheered, falling backwards in the bin. "EW SOMEONE LEFT A COOKIE IN HERE—oooooo it's chocolate chip!"
Ben walked over to the bin and pulled Aiden out—that was enough fun for him for one day.
"I'll go," Tyler said.
"Ashlyn, what about you?" Taylor asked.

Ashlyn gulped. Ah shit..should she really go? Well...it could be fun? And it could get her mind off things. And maybe—if she found her frigging phone—she..she could tell them then? Yeah.

Yeah the fair would be good.
"I'll go," Ashlyn said.
"Hell yeah everyone's going!" Taylor cheered. The bell for first period rang. "Ok, I'll tell you guys the details on the way,"
The group walked out of the cafeteria, passing by Barron's group. The two groups glared at each other from a distance.
Barron grabbed Ashlyn's arm—and Logan lunged to pull it back. Tyler grabbed the collar of his shirt, stopping him before he got even more detention.
Ashlyn snapped her hand back.
"What do you want?" She snapped.

"I need to talk to you for a second." Barron snapped back. "Alone."
Ashlyn glanced back at the group. "Fine."
"Ashlyn don't—" Aiden started.
"Chill. What can he really do anyways?" Ashlyn said.
She followed Barron around the corner, leaning against a locker.
"What do you want?" She snapped.

Barron reached into his pocket. Ashlyn paused when she saw what he had.
Her phone.
Oh no.
Oh shit.

"Give it back." Ashlyn said quickly.
"And why should I? I mean I've seen your dumb little texts with those losers—" Barron sneered.
Ashlyn snatched her phone back, kicking Barron as she did so.
"Asshole!" She snapped. "Don't touch my shit,"
Ashlyn stomped off back to the group, but internally she was panicking.
Barron knew.
And he was the worst person to know.
What now?

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