The Gays

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Logan looked at himself in his phone camera for what seemed like the millionth time. He wanted—no he needed to look perfect. This was his first date with the boy he liked no way in hell was he screwing this up.
It was five in the evening, almost six. Exactly the time that Logan was supposed to show up at the park. He sat on a park bench, nervously twiddling with his fingers while he waited for Tyler.
"Hey Logan!" Tyler waved as he finally got to the park, blushing when he saw Logan. He looked..really nice. Tyler smiled nervously and awkwardly.

Logan blushed. "So uh...s-shall we?"
Tyler nodded. "Y-yeah.."
Logan took Tyler's hand in his. They both walked around the park and by GOD was it amassed. For the first few minutes, no one said anything. They were simply walking together as the sun began to set.

Eventually they made it over to the park lake. A lot of people were packing up and beginning to leave. Tyler scratched the back of his neck. Maybe....maybe this would be a good spot..?
"Do you um..." Tyler gulped. "Do you wanna sit by the lake..?"
Logan nodded, god he was so nervous! It wasn't showing right? God if it was showing he might as well end himself right then and there because holy shit.

Holy shit.

This was his first date ever—with the boy he liked.
If his nervousness was showing he should just put himself out of his misery right then and there.
Tyler was oblivious to Logan's nervousness, his own heart pounding like a drum. His face was flushed red and he was so just...ah what was the right word? Awkward? Maybe? He didn't know.

Gently, he squeezed Logan's hand and led him over to the lake, being very careful not to get too close. The sun had set at this point, and the two sat down. Logan looked up at the sky, frowning because he couldn't see many stars.

Tyler groaned. Ah shit he should've predicted that! Light pollution dumbass! There was no way in hell this was gonna turn out to be one of those fucking adorable ass dates like in rom coms or something! He seriously needed to be realistic.

And stop listening to Taylor's dating 'advice.'

Tyler took a deep breath. Screw Taylor's advice! He was doing this his way. Hesitantly, he put an arm around Logan's shoulder. Logan blushed profusely, so nervous. He had a dorky grin on his face, and so did Tyler. Tyler looked out at the lake, it actually looked a little pretty. The way that the moon hit the water just right, making it sparkle.

"..I think I figured it out..." Tyler muttered.
"Hm?" Logan asked, looking at the brunette.
Tyler scratched the back of his neck nervously. " sexuality..that is.."
"Oh..really?" Logan looked a little excited, happy for Tyler. "Well?"
"I...I think I'" Tyler looked at his feet. Logan was the first one he had truly come out to, and he didn't know how he was going to react.
Logan smiled, so happy for him. In a moment of confidence on the boys part, he leaned over and gave Tyler a quick peck on the cheek.
"That's amazing! I'm happy for you Ty,"

Tyler blushed, shakily bringing his hand to his cheek. Did he really just? Tyler looked at Logan, stunned silence and face bright red.
Logan blushed when he realized what he did, waving his hands around frantically m.
Logan had dug his hands in his hair, tugging on it. His face was bright red and Tyler could practically see steam showing on his glasses. Tyler laughed a little.

He looked at the boy, smiling. He felt genuinely happy with the boy. How long had he felt like that with anyone outside of his mom and Taylor? In a moment of pure bliss, he cupped Logan's face, tracing his cheek with his thumb.
"May.....may I kiss you?" He asked.

Logan blushed, but then broke out in a fit of laughter. "That was so cheesy!"
Tyler blushed, embarrassed. "I—o-oh shut up! I just—ugh! I swear your gonna be the death of me one day.."
Logan laughed. Tyler chuckled. Ah that boys laughter was contagious. And he was right—it was really cheesy. He smiled, looking back up at Logan.
"But seriously though—can I?"
Logan blushed. He nodded. "Y...yeah..."
Just as Tyler leaned in, Logan smiled smugly. "Mr. May I kiss you.." he joked.

Tyler turned bright red, scowling. "Oh you little—!" He grabbed the collar of Logan's shirt, pulling him in for a gentle kiss. They broke apart as quickly as they came together, and they both blushed.
"That was..."
"Really nice.." Logan finished Tyler's sentence. He was blushing like crazy. "S-so this mean we're like....y-y'know...."

Tyler chuckled. "Dating now?"
Tyler smiled. "If you want us to be.."
Logan smiled back. This time, it was him who leaned in, kissing Tyler. Tyler didn't mind.
"I would like that a lot.." Logan smiled.
Tyler smiled back.

" too."

The two sat together, watching the shimmering of the lake as they sat in silence, enjoying each other presence.
There was absolutely nothing that would be able to ruin this happiness and peace they had found with each other.

Absolutely nothing.

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