Twin Talk

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Taylor took a deep breath as she sat on the bottom bunk. This was it! She was going to call Tyler out for what he said about their friends.
This would be fine. This would be totally fine!
Taylor glanced out the crack in the door to look towards the kitchen, where she saw Tyler making dinner.
A part of Taylor—oh who was she kidding—most of Taylor felt bad for Tyler. He was doing so much for her. For their mom. It was moments like these where Taylor wished that their dad was still around.
Taylor rapidly shook her head.
"Nope! Not today! I'm not gonna let those thoughts get the better of me!" Taylor thought, standing up. She hit her head on the top bunk.
"What the hell are you doing?" Tyler asked, standing in the doorway.
"WAAAGHDJ—" Taylor yelped, scared by his sudden appearance.
Tyler frowned at her. "You gonna keep standing there like an idiot or are you gonna say what happened?"
"YOU!" Taylor stood up, pointing dramatically at Tyler.
Tyler raised an eyebrow. "The fuck, Tay?"
"I have a bone to pick with you!" Taylor crossed her arms.
"Sit!" Taylor pointed to the bed.
"Taylor I'm not a damn dog—"

Tyler sat down on the bed, he would never admit it but he was a little bit intimidated by Taylor. Just a little bit. To him—She was a bit like a chihuahua when she got mad. Super angry and a little intimidating, but also still adorable.
"What's wrong?" Tyler asked.
"You—" Taylor pointed in his face. "How could you say that about or friends huh?!"
Tyler looked at her with a blank look. "What?"
"You heard me! I get it—your upset about the fight and at them but their still your friends! You can't just insult them like that and walk off when your mad! You have to talk to them!" Taylor scolded him.
"I'm not finished!" Taylor interrupted him. "And another thing—that day at the arcade was going so well and then—"
"YES YOU DID!" Taylor pointed in his face again.
"OH MY GOD—I WAS REFERRING TO BARRON AND HIS FRIENDS KNUCKLEHEAD!" Tyler stood up, also banging his head on the top bunk. "OW! Son of a bitch!"
Taylor paused. That....made a lot more sense. Tyler liked the group, as much as he denied it. Why did she ever doubt that. She suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her.
"Yeah no shit you are," Tyler sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So let me guess—the others probably think I'm mad at them too?"
"I did say it after we got into a fight and stormed off dragging me with you sooooooo.." Taylor pointed out.
Tyler groaned. "Fuuuuuuuuuck."

Taylor smiled evily. As much as she felt guilty for accusing her brother like that, she also reveled in his misery when he realized he was going to have to actually talk to the others and apologize.
Oh Aiden was gonna love this.

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