Bring it home Tyler!

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Ashlyn groaned as she got in the front seat of her dad's jeep. Stupid game. Why did she agree to this again?
Oh right.
Ashlyn groaned and slumped in her seat. Mike chuckled.
"Ash, you choose to go to this game." Mike chuckled.
"And I regret it immediately." Ashlyn groaned.
"Aw come on! Aren't you going with friends?" Mike asked.
"I mean..sorta? There not really my friends."
Mike sighed and ruffled his daughters hair. "Give them a chance Ash, you might like them more than you think."
Ashlyn sighed, looking out the window. Maybe she should give them a chance? Meh. Maybe when hell freezes over.

Tyler sat on the bench, a little anxious for the game. He wasn't normally this anxious, but this time he had people coming to watch him. Not that he cared what they thought—but he wanted to do good. And he needed to do good at baseball. For mom. For Taylor. He didn't have time for friends anyways. They were a distraction—and right now? Tyler couldn't afford distractions.

No, friends don't matter. Tyler sighed and looked at the sky. It was a beautiful day. Tyler wondered how the stars would look at night—they didn't get to see them much because of the light pollution in their area—though if Logan was around he could probably tell Tyler. That was one thing Tyler found annoying about the boy. The way he always yammered on about astronomy and what not. It made his heart swell every time. He wasn't in love though. No. He wasn't gay or bi or whatever. Besides, Logan was pathetic in his opinion. A crybaby. And he didn't have time to think about love anyways. He had more important things in his mind.

"Remember," Tyler thought to himself. "Everything you do—is for them. Do good, for them,"

Taylor, Logan, Ben, and Aiden sat in the bleachers, the crowds now pouring in. Logan looked a little nervous to be there.
"Lo, are you ok?" Taylor asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Y-yeah. I'm just nervous that I might see you know who around here. Do you know if he's benched for this game?" Logan said, his eyes nervously darting around for any sign of Barron.
"Ah, don't worry about that rat. Anything happens, we got your back," Aiden said, looking through a telescope.
"Aiden, what's the telescope for?" Taylor asked. Logan bit his tongue to stop himself from scolding Aiden about the proper use of a telescope.
"He's using it to look for Ms. Kevin," Ben wrote down.
"Ohhhhh! Let me help!" Taylor said, trying to snatch the telescope from Aiden.
"Ack! No! Hands off! Get your own!" Aiden said, trying to snatch it back.
"I wanna help!"
"Get your own!"

Logan and Ben sighed as they looked at the two fighting. Jeez, they hadn't even been here for two seconds yet and they were already fighting. You would think they were the siblings and not Tyler and Taylor. Aiden struggled, then fell backwards.
"OW! SONOFA—" Aiden stopped himself, looking down at the bottom of the bleachers. "I know that familiar mop of orange hair!"

Aiden stood up, running to the bottom of the bleachers to greet Ashlyn.
"ASSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!" Aiden cheered, running up to hug her. Ashlyn successfully dodged though.
"Jesus fuck. What do you want?" Ashlyn asked.
"What are you doing here? Ohhhhh are you here to support someone on the team? Or—" Aiden said excitedly.
"No." Ashlyn said plainly. She couldn't tell Aiden the truth, no way in hell was she doing that. "I'm just....."
Aiden stood on heels.
Ashlyn sighed. "My parents wanted me out of the house tonight so they could have some alone time, ok?" Ashlyn lied. "I was looking for a quiet place because I don't like crowds. They're too loud."
"Oh I have a friend just like that!" Aiden said, very loudly. "She doesn't like loud noises either! Guess it's more common then we think?"
Ashlyn tensed. "Yeah. Definitely..."
Aiden grabbed Ashlyn's wrist. "Follow me! I think I know a place!"
Ashlyn yelped. "Let me go you annoying rat!"

Taylor, Logan, and Ben watched as Aiden took Ashlyn and ran off.
"Where's he going?" Logan asked.
"No idea," Taylor said, Then squealed, promoting Ben and Logan to cover their ears. "Did you see though?! He had Ashlyn with him! Eeeeeeeeee!"
"Tay, they don't know each other that well," Ben wrote down. "Don't get your hopes up."
Taylor slumped. "I knowwwwww. But a girl can dream."
Ben smiled at Taylor. "You can dream all you want, I think it's nice. Your like a pretty Disney princess or something,"
Taylor blushed a little. "Thanks Ben! Your very kind!"
Ben blushed and scratched the back of his neck. He nodded at her.
Logan sighed as he looked at the two.
"Feeling a bit like a third wheel.." Logan thought to himself. He checked his watch. "Oh hey guys! Tyler's about to come out any minute!"
Taylor squealed and held Ben's and Logan's hands, almost crushing them as she squeezed them. Logan and Ben both winced from the pain. Logan looked around the bleachers.
"Hey Tay?"
"Why isn't your mom or dad here?"
Taylor stiffened. "Ah um.....She couldn't make it. I-it's fine though really. A-and look! Tyler's coming out!"
Logan looked at Taylor a little oddly. Why did she avoid his question? Logan shrugged and didn't press on the matter. If she didn't want to talk, then he wasn't going to force her to talk. He turned to the field, smiling as he watched the team come out. He frowned when he saw Barron come out though. What a bitch. Not that Logan would ever say that to his face.

Ashlyn groaned as Aiden pulled her along to a large oak tree a little bit away from the bleachers, but still close enough to see the game. She had to admit—it was a little nice. But that didn't stop her from being upset Aiden had dragged her along. Aiden sat next to her, watching the game begin. He was being...oddly quiet.
"...why are you being so quiet?" Ashlyn asked. Was he plotting something?
"Sorry. I just..figured you would want me to be quiet after walking through the crowd. My friend said that her ears are really sensitive, so I assumed yours were the same." Aiden explained.
Ashlyn paused. That was...oddly sweet of him? Ashlyn didn't know what to say. So she continued to quietly watch the game with Aiden, smiling a little bit when he gave silent cheers. She.....felt something. She didn't know what..but. Maybe he wasn't that bad?

Tyler hit a home run. Aiden stood up and cheered as loud as he could. Ashlyn winced. Ah fuck. Who the hell was she kidding he was still annoying.

As the game went on, Tyler felt himself getting into it. He wasn't usually this into a game, most of the time he was just going through the motions. Trying to get through the day. Trying to get through the next day. But he saw that they came. Well, he had no idea where the hell the psycho went, but Taylor, Ben, Logan. They were all there to support him. They sparked something In him. He wanted to do good for them. He hadn't felt this way since he was little. Since before.

Tyler's thoughts paused as he ran to first base. He hadn't felt like this since Dad passed away. Fuck had it been that long? Since he enjoyed himself? Since he let himself enjoy something? Tyler ran to second base. He looked up at the others again. They were there for him. They had all come to support him. That thought alone had him cracking a smile as he ran to third base, then eventually home base.

Maybe having friends wouldn't be so bad after all....

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