Secrets Out

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The Quiet One:
Hey. Can we talk?

Ms. Kevin:
How the fuck.

The Quiet One:
I saw your phone
You left it next to me and Aiden texted you

Ms. Kevin:
Oh my god I'm so fucking stupid.
Ben—please do not tell him.

The Quiet One:
Don't worry! I won't.
But I do wanna know why you didn't just tell us who you are?
It's not like we'll judge you.
And we already know who you are
And we like you.
So why did you feel the need to hide this?

Ms. Kevin:
I don't know.
I just.
Didn't want you guys to know.

The Quiet One:
Yeah obviously.
But why not?

Ashlyn paused, staring at her phone. Why? It was such a simple question but so impossible for her to answer. Why. Why did she do what she did? Why did she decive them like that? They liked her. As Ashlyn and as Ms. Kevin. So why did she want to keep it hidden so bad?

She didn't know. But she wasn't about to tell Ben that. Ben might be someone that she knows—but no way in hell would she consider him or anyone else in the group chat 'friends' yet.
No, she didn't have friends.
And she didn't need friends. She was fine on her own.

She was fine.....right?

Ms. Kevin:
It's nothing.

The quiet one:
We're you worried that we wouldn't like you or something?
Because you've already seen it!
We like you both as Ms. Kevin and Ashlyn Banner.
You mean a lot to us!

Ashlyn looked at her phone, guilty. No—why was she guilty? She didn't need to feel guilty. It was her life. She didn't need friends. She was fine without them, and she'll be fine. So what if she didn't want her secret out? That was her business—not Ben's.

Ms. Kevin:
I appreciate the words
But it's my secret ok?
So please don't tell the others.

The Quiet One:
Idk Ashlyn.
I don't like the idea of tricking them like this

Ms. Kevin:
It's not tricking them
If they never knew in the first place right?

The Quiet One:

Ms. Kevin:
Look it's my secret
Not yours.
So please don't tell them.

The Quiet One:
I won't tell.

Ashlyn let out a sigh of relief. She really didn't want her secret out. Hell would the others even forgive her if they knew that she was lying that whole time? No probably not. Not that she cared though.

Ms. Kevin:
Thanks Ben

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