Gardening Blues

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Aiden sighed as he watered some of the roses Logan told him to water. They were finally helping out at the flower shop—but to be honest he was a little hurt Ashlyn didn't give him her real number. Whatever. He met a cool person out of it!
"Aiden your giving those ones to much water!" Logan scolded as he helped Tyler pick up a bag of fertilizer.
"But there plants! Aren't you supposed to water them a lot?!" Aiden snapped back.
"NO." Logan snapped.
Tyler chuckled. "Ha! You got Logan mad at you."
Aiden looked down at the hose in his hand and grinned. "Y'know...I'm the one holding the hose right now?"
"Aiden. Don't—" Ben tried to write down—but it was to late. Aiden turned up the pressure on the hose and released hell on Tyler and Logan.
"AIDEN!" Tyler yelled. He chased after Aiden.
Logan grumbled, soaked to the bone. Taylor laughed.
"Ah..sorry about that Logan. Guess we're bringing more trouble than help?" Taylor said, patting Logan's shoulder.
"Ugggggh.." Logan groaned. "I seriously don't know where his heads at today..."
"It probably has something to do with Ashlyn," Ben wrote down.
"Ashlyn?" Taylor asked. "What does she have to do with this?"
"She gave him a fake number." Ben wrote. He wanted to tell his friends so bad—but he also respected Ashlyn's wishes. He was still upset at how hypocritical Ashlyn was being. Saying that they weren't friends and then treating them like friends. It got on his nerves.

"Ooo.." Taylor said. "That's harsh."
"Tell me about it," Ben wrote. "He's been sulking a little."
"Ashlyn didn't strike me as the type to do that," Logan said.
"Me either," Taylor said. "She seemed so nice at the game!"
"Yeah," Logan said.
"Well, either way, she did." Ben wrote.
"Well....maybe we can find a way to cheer Aiden up?" Taylor suggested. Always such a sweetheart.
"What did you have in mind?" Ben wrote.
"How about the arcade?" Taylor suggested. "It could be fun for all if us to go and hang out!"
"That actually sounds like fun, I've never been to the arcade." Logan said.
"I'm sure Aiden would like that," Ben wrote.
"I'll ask Tyler if he wants to go to!" Taylor said happily. "We should go tomorrow!"
Ben smiled. "Alright. Tomorrow then,"

Logan, Taylor, and ben snapped their heads up and looked at Tyler and Aiden. Aiden had crashed into a flower pot while being chased by Tyler.
"My bad!"

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