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Ashlyn sighed as she walked down the hallways at school. Her face flushed—rembering—well. That.

God someone help her.

Because what the FUCK.

Why would he do that?! Kissed her head? I mean what even was that?!
Ashlyn's face flushed thinking about it.
Oh shit
Oh shit
Oh shit
Oh shit
Oh shit
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Ashlyn sighed and walked over to her class. She looked over and saw Aiden, already sitting there waiting for her.

Son of a bitch.

Nope boo. Just ignore him. He'll quit it eventually.
Ashlyn sat down at her desk, acting like nothing happened. The bell ran and Mr. Thomas started the class.


Ashlyn cursed. She rubbed the back of her head—someone had thrown a paper ball at her. She looked over at Aiden, who looked at her expectantly. Oh. He threw the note.

Little shit.

Aiden made a motion with his hands to uncrumple the paper.

Aiden made a motion with his hands to uncrumple the paper

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Ashlyn sighed. She crumpled the paper back up and threw it back to Aiden. She glared at him.

Nope. No. She's not doing this.

Aiden threw the paper back to her. She sighed and uncrumpled it.

 She sighed and uncrumpled it

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Ashlyn sighed. She wrote something down, throwing it back.

It took Aiden less than a second to write back, throwing the paper back to Ashlyn

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It took Aiden less than a second to write back, throwing the paper back to Ashlyn.

Ashlyn clicked her tongue

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Ashlyn clicked her tongue. Her face flushed as she thought of it.

No way.
Not a chance.
No way in hell was she doing that.

Ashlyn quickly scribbled out her message, throwing it back to Aiden.

Ashlyn quickly scribbled out her message, throwing it back to Aiden

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Her message was clear. Aiden could tell.

She wanted to be left alone. No nonsense.

But was Aiden going to respect that?

Hell no.

He wanted to talk—he needed to. Needed to explain himself.
He wanted his friend—no.

He wanted Ashlyn back.

The bell rung, and Aiden dashed to go and try and block Ashlyn's escape.
"Ashlyn please. Just let me talk!"
Ashlyn ignored him, shoving past him and scurrying down the hallway. Nope no no no.

Not today whatever god is hoping to make things much more complicated than it should be. Jesus sometimes it felt like her life—these past few months had been written by someone else. Not her.

Aiden tried to give chase, but he lost her in the sea of students. Aiden groaned.

Ashlyn dashed down the stairs. She bumped into someone.
"Ow! Who the—"

Ashlyn looked up and was met with the angry scowl of Tyler.



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