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Ben awkwardly sat down on the bottom bunk(his head was literally being squished) as Taylor stood in front of him. She had her arms crossed and was glaring down at him. And in all honesty? She looked scary then Tyler.

"Well?" Taylor snapped.

Ben gulped. Jeez how does he start this? Oh hey Taylor I love you so much I'm so sorry that I lied but at the same time maybe your taking this a little bit out of proportion?

Oh who was Ben kidding. They all were being so dramatic.

It was a number!


Why did it sting this much? Why did it hurt this much?

Ben thought back to when he found out. He wasn't particularly happy or upset—just confused. And a little angry.

But that wasn't anything new. Anger wasn't new. He was used to being angry.

He was used to hurting.

Maybe that's why he was so bad at fixing this right now? Because Ben Clark only knew how to hurt?

He's hurt Aiden.
And Tyler.
And Logan.
And Taylor.

He even hurt Lily unintentionally.

Maybe Ben Clark was only good for hurting.

"Ben?" Taylor asked, waving her hand in front of his face. "You there?"
Ben snapped out of his thoughts. Right. No. He needed to fix this. He needed to explain.

No he didn't need to. He wanted to.

He wanted to fix.

He didn't want to hurt anymore.

Ben pulled out his phone, typing out what he wanted to say. No edits—nothing. Just say it.
"I'm sorry Taylor. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. But can I explain why I did what I did? Ashlyn asked me to. I'm not trying to shift the blame to her. But I hope it does explain why I did what I did. I didn't really know what to do. Or what was right. I tried to tell you before but it ended differently every time. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Taylor took a deep breath. She looked at Ben, and was met with a wave of guilt.

God what was she doing?

Ben wasn't the one who hurt her.

Hell why was she even so mad about Ashlyn?

Ashlyn didn't do anything necessary bad either.

God they really were a mess weren't they?

Taylor sat down next to Ben, sighing.
"I'm sorry too Ben." Taylor said, holding out her hand for ben to hold. Ben took it. "I was...stupid. Really stupid. It's a number for gods sake. We shouldn't....no we shouldn't be this mad. This upset. Your my boyfriend for gods sake. And I love you. Nothing you do can change that ok? I'm sorry too,"

Ben smiled, squeezing Taylor's hand. They were quite the pair weren't they?

They would be okay though.


Things would be ok.


Wrong Number.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz