Chapter 111

175 21 4

Jungkook's POV :

He locked his door for 2 days , i'm losing my mind , i'm trying to give him the space he need but I can't stop my mind from imagining horrible senarios , I need to be sure he is okay , he replied when i threaten him that i will break his door , so he really send an image for his emotionless face each 3 hours . that made me worried more , he is not fine

and being alone when he is in this statue is not good , he didn't get any meal since 2 days and if i let him get along with what he is doing he will die dehydrated , I don't know if his little fridge has a water or not , and if it has , is he going to remember to drink

My hyungs asking me to let him , they are worried too Namjoon hyung didn'tuttera word in thid matter, but they are afraid if we handled him aggressively forcing him out he will get worse .

Jimin's secret is not a secret anymore , He keeps talking about the doctor Jin hyung told him about , and he can be fine again , We all know that Jimin was struggling it was not a secret or something not noticeable , but we didn't know he has the same reaction in a physical touch with a girl as Tae .. Tae is worst but .. it make sense

Jimin is blaming us that we didn't help Tae before , he keep asking why we didn't take Tae to the doctor , The kid is trying to convince us that Tae is struggling , We all couldn't share with him that Tae is the one who is not agreeing to go through this , what if he followed him , what he felt scared too .

he is not leaving Tae's door , tried to knock and asking him hundreds times to open the door , i wonder how Tae kept his door close with all this nagging.

But it's enough he need to stop hiding , and i need to sleep , i can't while he is locking his door and i can't reach him , Tae always think I'm the one who is supporting him , but it is the other way , I can't go with my life without him , He has those proud eyes that tell me i'm doing well , someone like him who is terrified to be touched he can sleep in my hold like a kid in his mother's hold , I take my power from his trust , he is really trust me .

Jungkook :" TAE HYUNG OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR , IT'S TOO MUCH , IT'S ALREADY 2 DAYS , YOU NEED TO EAT SOMETHING , I WILL COUNT TO 3 IF YOU DIDN'T OPEN THE DOOR I WILL BREAK IT " I hope he takes my threats seriously, I won't like to get to break his door , what if he started to be scared of me !!

It takes a minute or though for him to open the door , the dark circles around his eyes speaking much about his sleepless night .

I pulled him in a tight hug , he Is here , he is fine , nothing happened to him 

Jungkook:" you scared the shit out of me " he is wearing that face , that screaming help me but never utter a word , I let the hug and hold his face in my palms

Jungkook:" what is going with you hyung, talk to me , your Kookie hmmm!" There something deferent in his eyes . And for the first time for how long now i can't understand him.

Taehyung :" Jimin... " aren't he here for what happened with Yun Hee, why he is asking about Jimin, did I missed something?!

Jungkook:" what is it with him hyung ?! "

Taehyung :" what i will do Kook !! He .. I'm terrified to look in his eyes , I knew he is not fine , but .. what should we do now , we can't let him growup with it , i don't want for him to live the same life i had , please kook help me ". His eyes keep pouring nonstop , I keep wiping it 

Jungkook:" hyung .. it's okay .. we can help him .. he will be fine .. try to breathe with me " his breathe is not steady and it keep worse each minute 

Taehyung :" but .. bu.. how he " 

Jungkook:" I will tell you i swear but you need to follow my breath first " he started to focus and follow me.

Jungkook:" yes exactly.. exhale, inhale .. yes .. again " he started to calm down but he is getting heavy in my hold , I supported him to reach his bed to sit down 

Jungkook :" you need to eat something hyung " he shook his head 

Taehyung :" I'm not hungry " 

Namjoon:" even if , you must eat , Kook go prepare something for him to eat " Namjoon hyung got into the room with the expression we all afraid of , this look has nothing good behind, I felt Taehyung hyung tightened his hold on me , I don't need to look to him to knew how scared he is now .

Jungkook :" hyung .. I can ask Noona to prepare it for him he love her ... " he cut me off 

Namjoon:" I need to have a talk with him so you need to leave , so you or her just bring him food and don't knock the door , I will come with him to the dining room " 

I looked to Tae  hyung and he keeps begging me with his eyes to not leave him alone with Namjoon hyung , we two know that Namjoon hyung won't hurt him , but Tae just locked himself for 2 days and he is not in a condition to handle an angry Namjoon hyung 

But I have no choice, When Namjoon hyung pull up with the Father character , NO one should argue with him 

I pulled my hand from the iron grip Tae have on it 

Jungkook:" it's our hyung , nothing will happen, we trust him right " I hold his cheek to meet his eyes , he just nodded in approval. 

Jungkook:" he just need to talk , I will bring your food " I plant a soft kiss on his forehead and left the room 

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