Chapter 74

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Time skip 6 months later ...

Jimin: "Mom, can you talk to Dad, please? I'm not going to hide anything again, I promise, but ask him to stop watching me through those stupid cameras."

Jimin was pacing around the house, his frustration evident, while IU went about her daily chores.

IU: "Why do you suddenly want to remove them? They've been there for almost 6 months, and you never complained before."

Jimin stomped his foot in frustration.

Jimin: "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. I should have my privacy like other kids. It's not fair."

IU paused, her gaze fixed on him as she looked deeply into his eyes, suspicion creeping into her voice.

IU: "Are you sure there are no other reasons?"

Jimin: "What could it be? Just talk to him." He looked away, breaking the eye contact.

IU: "Okay, I will talk to him, but I can't promise that he will agree."

Jimin: "But, Mom, my grades are already high, and I'm back to being the perfect student I used to be. You should be proud of me." She chuckled and pulled him into a tight hug.

IU: "With good grades or not, I'm proud of you, baby. Now stop whining and go prepare the table. Your hyungs is almost here."

Jimin: "Love you, Mom." Jimin ran to the dining room to do as his mom asked.


Yoongi's Room...

Yoongi: "I missed you so much, babe." Yoongi pulled IU into a tight hug as soon as they entered their room and locked the door.

IU: "I missed you too, love. You need to take some rest. You're working yourself too hard, and it's not good for you."

Yoongi: "I was the one who brought up the idea of owning a factory to create and sell café products. We put all our savings into this project. It needs to work." She caressed his cheek.

IU: "And you still have time to track every movement our son makes at school?" He sighed.

Yoongi: "I can't risk neglecting him again. He needs to know that we will be there for him anytime. And there's something, I swear, your son will drive me to murder."

She frowned, concern etched on her face.

IU: "What did he do?"

He rested his head on her shoulder.

Yoongi: "Your innocent son has a crush on the new girl who just joined his class last week. I just want to take him out of there. He's just a kid."

She burst into laughter.

IU: "Don't tell me that's the reason why he wants you to remove the camera from his class." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Yoongi: "What? Did he ask you this? No, I will not. He's just a kid. He's not allowed to be with anyone."

She held his hand to calm him down.

IU: "Love, what are you thinking? He's about to be 15 . He's older than us when we started dating. Plus, it's just a minor crush. It's not like he's going to marry her. Calm your jealous ass."

Yoongi: "No, she'll hurt him. What if she doesn't love him enough? What if she says hurtful words to him?" She massaged her temple.

IU: "God, you're impossible. I swear, you're just jealous. Hurt my foot. Let your son live his life." She stood up tried to take a step, but she fell to the floor.

Yoongi: "Babe, what happened? What's wrong?" He crouched in front of her, holding her shoulders.

IU: "I don't know, maybe I stood up too fast. I just got dizzy. I'm okay." Yoongi looked at her with concern as her face turned pale.

Yoongi: "Are you sure? Your face tells otherwise, babe." He carried her to the bed, caressing her cheek.

IU: "I'm fine, love, I promise." She was about to get up.

Yoongi: "No, don't. I will call Jimin to sleep here. You don't need to move. Just rest."

IU: "But I need to prepare his uniform and pack his backpack according to tomorrow's schedule." Yoongi looked at her with a done face.

Yoongi: "Are you the one who prepares his bag? And you're saying he's not a kid anymore?" IU chuckled.

IU: "He'll be a kid, even if he's a grandpa. In my eyes, he'll never grow up." Yoongi smiled and headed out of the room to call Jimin, forbidding IU to move.

The days went by,  but IU's symptoms didn't subside. She was experiencing more frequent bouts of vomiting and her dizziness was worsening each day. Despite her concerns, she kept her worries to herself, not wanting to burden Yoongi with her health issues. He was already preoccupied with work, and she didn't want to add to his stress.

However, as IU's condition deteriorated, she finally made the decision to see a doctor. She couldn't ignore the possibility of something  and wanted to know . The fear of the unknown began to settle in her heart. What if? ...

She was scared , Yoongi already has Jimin , and Jimin .. is he going to be okay with this ... 

Finally, the doctor called her name, and IU entered the examination room. She tried to maintain composure, but her trembling hands betrayed her anxiety. As the doctor conducted various tests and asked probing questions, IU's mind wandered back to her family—Yoongi and Jimin. What would happen if her worst fears came true? How would they cope? Is it even a worst or a biggest dream ??

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor delivered the news. IU's heart sank as she listened to the doctor. 

With a heavy heart, IU left the doctor's office, clutching a result for her treatment. The weight of the situation bore down on her, and she could no longer keep her secret hidden. She needed to confide in Yoongi, to share her this with the person she loved most. And face the consequences. 

Returning home, IU found Yoongi immersed in his work, unaware of the news he is about to receive . She gathered all her strength and approached him, her voice trembling.

IU :"I need to talk to you, Yooni" she said, her voice filled with both fear and determination.

Yoongi looked up, concern etched on his face as he noticed her distress.

Yoongi : "What's wrong, babe? Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

IU took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She locked eyes with Yoongi, searching for the right words to convey the magnitude of the situation.


Author's note :

It's already 21k views to this story ❤️❤️

Thank you so much for the interest you are showing in this book

May some of you see that it's already long and boring but I got attached to the characters so I don't have the heart to end it 😅

So pear with me some more chapters it looks the end may come soon ...

Jimin ProtectorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora