Chapter 73

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Author's POV : 

Jin: "I'm sorry, Yoongi..." Yoongi pulled Jin into a tight hug as he lay on his bed, finally returning from the hospital.

Yoongi: "You don't need to apologize, Hyung. We're the ones who need to be sorry for not taking care of you. We all saw how this incident affected you, but we got busy with ourselves and what happened with Jimin, so no one thought about you. But you need to promise me, if you ever have that urge again to hurt yourself, you'll come to one of us. Shout, cry, even hurt us, but never let it consume you like this, hmm?"

Yoongi looked deeply into Jin's eyes.

Jin looked down.

Jin: "I... I will try." Yoongi gently lifted Jin's chin, forcing him to meet his gaze.

Yoongi: "No, you will not just try. You will do it, Hyung." Jin nodded hesitantly.

Namjoon: "You can do this, Hyung."

J-Hope held Jin's hand, softly caressing its back, giving him assurance that they would be there for him.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Jungkook. It was already late, and they didn't expect him to come at this hour.

Namjoon: "Nothing. What do you want?"

Jungkook: "Jin Hyung, why was the cafe closed today? I finished my classes early and thought to pass by, but I found it closed."

The four exchanged glances, unsure of what to say.

Jin: "I was just tired, so I didn't open it today."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

Jungkook: "But... you weren't here in the morning! Are you sick? Did you go to the doctor?" He walked towards Jin's bed, and Jin nervously hid his bandaged wrist under the covers.

Jungkook checked Jin's forehead, but it was normal.

Jin: "I'm okay, Kookie. You can go to sleep now, and the rest of you can leave. I'm tired."

He pulled the covers up, attempting to hide himself.

Jungkook: "You're hiding something. All of you are. What's going on?" He looked at them all, and Jin remained hidden under the covers, avoiding eye contact and praying for Jungkook to stop.

Yoongi: "We're not hiding anything. Yes, he was sick this morning, and Namjoon and Hobi took him for a check-up. So, there's nothing to worry about." 

Jungkook looked at Yoongi suspiciously but nodded, not wanting to bother his sick hyung.

He leaned down and gently kissed Jin's forehead.

Jungkook: "I'm sorry I didn't check on you this morning. But when you weren't here, I thought you had left for the cafe."

Jin: "It's okay, Kookie. I know how much you care. Thank you so much." He smiled softly at Jungkook, and the rest of them left, leaving Jin alone. However, J-Hope didn't go.

Jin: "Why didn't you leave with them?"

J-Hope: "I will sleep with you." He smiled smugly.

Jin: "Yah! I don't want that. Get out of here!" Jin protested, but J-Hope pulled the covers to sneak under, lying beside Jin.

J-Hope: "I didn't ask for your approval, Hyung. I will sleep here whether you agree or not, so close your eyes. You need to rest."

Jin: "I'm not a kid, you know, and this is my room."

J-Hope: "Why is your pillow so thin? Should I bring mine, or can you lend me your arm?" J-Hope said, ignoring Jin's words.

Jin: "Wow, are you crazy? I'm not letting you sleep on my arm. You're heavy, and my wrist is already hurt."

J-Hope: "You have a point, but mine isn't injured. So, come here." J-Hope pulled Jin into his arms, letting him sleep on his chest, ignoring Jin's struggle. After a while, Jin relaxed in J-Hope's hold, clutching his shirt in his fist.

Throughout the night, J-Hope was in for a shock. Jin started having nightmares that made him lose control—crying, hitting himself, and pulling at the bandages on his wrist. J-Hope spent the night desperately trying to calm the older brother, holding him tightly to make him feel safe.

As the sun began to rise, Jin's nightmares finally subsided. J-hope found him lying on top of him, where he felt safest. J-Hope continued to caress Jin's back, soothing him from the aftermath of his distressing dreams.

J-Hope ( whispered ): "Hyung, it's okay now. You're safe. I'm here for you." His voice was filled with genuine concern and a hint of exhaustion from the long night.

Jin slowly opened his eyes, as he heard J-hope , his breaths still shaky. He looked at J-Hope with a mixture of gratitude and guilt.

Jin: "Hobi... I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through this with me. It's not fair. that's exactly why i asked you to leave " His voice cracked with raw emotion.

J-Hope gently brushed Jin's hair away from his face, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding.

J-Hope: " And that's exactly why i insist to stay Hyung , we're a family. We're here for each other, through the good times and the bad. Your pain is our pain, and we'll do whatever it takes to support you. You're not alone in this. what make sense with you that your night looks this awful but ours should be peaceful huh ?  "

Jin's eyes welled up with tears as he felt the weight of their love and unwavering support. He tightened his grip on J-Hope, seeking comfort in their embrace.

Jin: "Thank you, Hobi. Thank you for always being there for me, even in my darkest moments. I don't know what I would do without you."

J-Hope smiled softly, his heart swelling with affection.

J-Hope: "You don't have to thank me, Hyung. It's what family does. We lean on each other, hold each other up. Now, let's get some rest. We'll face whatever comes together."

With those words, Jin finally allowed himself to let go of his worries, finding solace in J-Hope's arms. They both closed their eyes, knowing that as long as they had each other, that Jin could conquer any storm that came his way , he has the strongest bulletproof , his brothers , his Real Family .

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