Chapter 50

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Author's POV : 

Taemin: "I know I'm your friend, but can you please stop talking about her? I'm starting to hate her, Minmin."

From the moment Jimin arrived at school, he didn't spare Taemin a moment's rest and kept talking about how amazing IU is.

Jimin: "YAAA, you didn't listen for more than three hours! It's not my fault that the class got canceled, and I have an amazing mother now." Jimin grinned widely, and Taemin rolled his eyes at him.

Taemin: "Oh, so now she's your mother? I wonder who hated her so much for 'stealing' your lovely hyung." Jimin playfully hit his shoulder.

Jimin: "I'm not talking to you; I'll find another friend. You're mean." He pouted and turned to look away, no longer acknowledging his friend. Taemin hugged him from behind.

Taemin: "No, no, I'm sorry. I was kidding. I'm so happy that you finally found the family you were looking for." Jimin immediately turned back to him, eager to continue his non-stop talking that had started in the morning.

Jimin: "I already had this family from the moment I met my hyungs. They made me feel like I belong to them. But with Noona, it feels like it's all complete—the motherly touch and love. I just can't believe I have all this. I feel like I'm the luckiest kid on earth."

Taemin smiled at his innocent friend. Despite the hardships he had faced, he still had a light side to his soul.

Taemin: "You deserve this, Jimin. Now, can we stop this and go have our lunch? The next class isn't canceled, so I need to recharge my energy. You've consumed it all, you sucker of humane souls."

Jimin: "Noona already prepared a lunchbox for me, and she made your lunch too. Look!" He grabbed his bag and took out the lunchbox.

Taemin: "Can she adopt me too?" Jimin burst into laughter.

Jimin: "No, she's mine, but I can share her food with you. But only her food."

Taemin: "You possessive psycho."


IU: "I guess you no longer drink hot chocolate, so I prepared some coffee for you." IU knocked on Jungkook's door, holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

He was surprised to see her in his room. Since she came back, Yoongi didn't like him interacting with her, so he had been avoiding her to avoid angering his hyung. He was already content with her being there with them.

IU: "I know you're studying for your exams, so I thought you might need something to help you focus." She walked in, but he remained silent.

She sat on the bed, placing the coffee on the bedside table, and patted the spot beside her for him to sit. He obliged.

She was about to hug him, but he tensed up and pushed her hand away, looking down and holding back his tears. She smiled sadly, looking at him.

IU: "I know you want this hug, Kookie. But you're holding back because Yoongi doesn't like us being touchy. But Kookie, you were my first child. I experienced my motherly emotions first with you. Even though I was just 20, I felt this with you. And I'm not doing anything behind Yoongi's back now. You know how much I love him and how much he gets jealous. Most importantly, you know how much he trusts you. He just doesn't want to see this. I can assume that when Jimin gets a body like yours when he's your age, he'll be bothered by me hugging him." She chuckled, but Jungkook looked at her with his doe eyes.

Jungkook: "So... can I... can I hug you?" She smiled softly and engulfed his large figure in her arms.

He broke down in a longing set of cries.

IU : " shhhhh , i'm sorry for everything Kookie " he pulled her more tightly to him 

Jungkook : " why you left us Noona , i missed you so much , what ever the reason i never blamed you , i just didn't know what i did wrong to not be enough for you to stay " this time IU was the one to cry , when she decided to leave she was thinking about Yoongi but she never thought Jungkook will think badly about himself " 

she pulled from the hug and hold his face in her small hand 

IU : " no you and my precious kid , I did not leave of my own accord , i was forced to save you and Yooni .. but i will never again please don't think that i don't love you Kookie , i care about you soo much " 

he hugged her again 

Jungkook : " who force you Noona tell me and i will make his live living hell " she pulled back  hitting his chest

IU : " not because you are looking hulk and giant so you will act as a mafia , you are still kid in my eyes , don't make me worry about you " he chuckled wiping his tears

Jungkook : " Noona , me needing you as a mother not making me kid at all , if you knew what i did when you weren't here you will not say that at all " her eyes widened ans she pulled his ears

IU : " and me being your mother will not let you do anything put your self in danger so behave " 

Jungkook : " aaaaah Noona it hurt .. okay okay i will not " she let him go

IU : " you better be , and don't worry the one who forced me was my adoptive father and he already died " 

he rubbed his   ears to ease the pain 

Jungkook : " good for him " she chuckled 

IU : " okay anyway ,I guess you've been studying really hard, huh? How are your exams going?"

Jungkook: "they're going okay, I guess. I've been trying my best."

IU: "I know you'll do great, Jungkook. You've always been such a dedicated and talented person. Just believe in yourself."

Jungkook: "Thank you, Noona. Your words mean a lot to me."

IU: "You don't have to thank me, Kookie. I've always believed in you, and what about your singing talent , did you process on it ??  ever since I first saw you perform. You have this incredible passion and drive that inspires me."

he looked down  

Jungkook : " i .. i didn't like too , you weren't there in the audience anymore , how can i do it " she caressed his cheek 

IU : " we will start this now again , your main fan came back and i'm not letting you waste your talent " his eyes filled with tears

Jungkook : "thank you for coming back to me Noona " 

IU : " thank you for waiting and forgiving me baby " she kissed his forehead 

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