Chapter 57

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Jungkook's POV:

We all gathered in the hospital cafeteria, the heaviness in the air almost palpable. Jin hyung's condition was far from fine; what had transpired had taken a toll on his soul. It was difficult to fathom that the person who had always been against even the slightest hint of violence was the one who didn't hesitate for a second to take the life of the man who had hurt Yoongi hyung and Jimin.

Taehyung approached Jin, his voice filled with concern, 

Taehyung : "Hyung, please calm down. Everything will be okay. Time will heal everything, you'll see."

Jin's eyes were filled with anguish as he responded, his voice trembling, 

Jin : "I just can't, Tae. The moment keeps replaying in my head relentlessly. How can I move on from this? It's not working. I just want to go to the police and face the punishment I deserve."

Namjoon, visibly upset, intervened firmly,

Namjoon :  "No, you are not doing this, Jin. We will deal with it the way it is. I'm not arguing with you about this, hyung." His tone conveyed a mix of anger and desperation. I couldn't help but feel the same. How could Jin hyung even entertain the thought of taking the blame when that man deserved the fate he met? After all, he had tried to kill Yoongi hyung and shattered Jimin's life. If he hadn't been stopped, who knows what further harm he would have inflicted upon us.

I mustered the courage to speak up, my voice filled with sincerity,

Jungkook :  "Hyung, please, we can't go on without you. We are all here for you, and that man got what he deserved. Don't burden yourself with guilt. We need you."

Jin hyung slammed his hand on the table in frustration, the sound reverberating through the room. 

Jin : "BUT I DON'T DESERVE TO FEEL THIS SHIT! I JUST CAN'T!" With that, he abruptly left, heading towards Yoongi hyung's room, I assumed.

J-Hope's worried voice broke the silence, 

J-Hope : "What are we going to do? This is too much for him to handle, and I can't trust that he won't do what he said."

Namjoon's determination shone through as he replied, 

Namjoon : "I will make sure he won't, don't worry. Right now, we need to help Yoongi hyung through this and support Jimin, who is in immense pain. We also need to address the new trauma that Jin hyung is going through. I swear, if that man were still alive, I would kill him again."

Taehyung chimed in, his voice filled with optimism,

Taehyung :  "We can do this. Everything will be okay as long as we are together."

As we continued our conversation, emotions ran high. Tears welled up in our eyes as we shared our fears, our worries, and our determination to support one another. The weight of the situation pressed upon us, but we knew that if we stood united, we could face any challenge that came our way.


IU's POV : 

The look in Yoongi's eyes when he heard the harsh words coming from Jin hyung was indescribable. Yoongi was still clueless about what had happened to Jimin's uncle, so he had no context for the vase Jin hyung was in. I didn't know how Yoongi would react to this new revelation, but I knew he was too weak to deal with any more hassle. He needed rest and a clear mind. The pain reflected in Jimin's eyes was enough for Yoongi to bear. He couldn't handle the weight of the pain Jin hyung was carrying now. But Jin hyung seemed unable to hold it back. He was taking it out on us, and we had no say in the matter. All we could do was support him.

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