Chapter 11

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Author's POV:

In the basement of the penthouse was a load screaming voice and it was not other than Won's 

Won :" please I beg you stop " 

Jungkook:" oh uncle it's to early to start your begging, the night just started and I guess it will be too long for you , keep your begging for the main show "

Jungkook was holding a hammer 🔨  and pinned Won's hand on a steel table and started to attack his fingers one by one 

Taehyung:" it's looking like you wouldn't be able to return what you stole , so we can take in return the things you used while taking off our jiminie innocence by , so just imagine what will be the next after your fingers " 


RM :" oooh really this didn't cross our mind , you fucker still thinking of manipulating our little boy " RM landed a heavy punch to the guy stomach making him whimper 

Yoongi :" don't worry you will meet him and you will ask for his forgiveness after we make sure you regret what you did a big time , but this will happen after we serve your right first " and Yoongi take of a black box opened it in the table in front of the guy that contains a collection of a sharp knife  that looks like a Medical scalpels

Yoongi :" no one of us ever studied medical , but we searched enough that make sure you will be still a live after we take off your little dick , so don't worry  we need you to live a long life where you can't be a man anymore " yoongi was talking calmly like he is informing him about a normal news 

Won started to struggle in his seat and screaming his lung out 


Yoongi :" ooh unfortunately we can and we will but as I informed you non of us is a doctor so We will not drug you with any ping  you will be much awake while we are taking off your dick , so enjoy the show " 

The man was terrified and Jungkook didn't stop breaking his fingers while Yoongi speaking, Won was going crazy and he didn't think in his wildest thought that someone will know what he did to Jimin and more take revenges, he never hold any regrets about what he did to him , the poor kid has no one but he is now facing the karma and he will not return again to what he were ever 

These guys has the power that he one day had over jimin and he never had any mercy on the boy 

Won :" I swear I regrets everything please let me talk to Jimin he will not agree to let you do this to me , I raised him when no one was there , I know he will forgive me "

J-hope :" the more you talk the more you make us mad , you fucker take advantage of the little boy while he was thinking about you as a father , and you have the gut to say it as it a favor for him , you know what?? the screaming is a luxury you don't deserve " and he get a peace of closes and stuffed it on Won's mouth and rapped his mouth with the tab so no voice can scape from him

The night went with what the brothers planned and the guy fainted in the middle of the surgery which was not professional at all J-hope can't witness it so he left the basement waiting for them to call him if they need 

The others made sure he is still a life and bandage his wounds , he need to heal to face jimin , they need to end Jimin's struggles so he need to know that the justice just happened. 

They left him there after they made sure everything is okay and everyone went to his room to clean up

Yoongi asked Jin to just sleep in the Cafe in case something happened, he can't risk Jimin witness what they did

So he need to leave for the Cafe as he promised Jimin he will be there when jimin wake up 

He opened the small room in the Cafe and found Jin sleeping hugging the little figure of jimin body

He smiled at the sight and kneeled to kiss Jimin's forehead and he hold the little one hand while sitting on the floor and resting his head at the edge of the bed falling in a deep slumber after this long night


Jimin wake up at 7 a.m to find his favorite hyung laying in the most uncomfortable position  while holding his hand

Jimin :" hyung .." he caressed yoongi cheek with his free hand making yoongi stirr

Yoongi :" baby , morning did you sleep well ? Sorry I was late , but I kept my promise and I'm here when you wake up " he kissed the kid hand while still closing his eyes , he didn't get enough sleep"

Jimin :" you look tired hyung and this position in not good , come here sleep beside me " and he patted the small space beside him , yoongi opened one eyes and chuckled  

Yoongi :" baby this space can only fit my head , I'm not this small you know ,  you and Jin hyung is taking all the bed " 

Jimin didn't notice the one who is hugging his back

Jimin :" Jin hyung wake up " he shake Jin shoulders to wake him up 

Jin :" morning little one , what's wrong " 

Jimin :" it is 7 o'clock you need to wake up , and yoongi hyung need to sleep so leave the space for him "

Jin :" you little brat , are you kicking me out for your yoongi hyung "

Jimin :" don't be mad but you slept all the night and he didn't  , please for me " and he kissed Jin cheek

Jin :" you are buying me by this kisses but okay just for you " he kissed Jimin's  Forehead and stand kicking yoongi and ran from the room

Yoongi:" HEY WHAT did I do ?"

Jin :" stole the kid heart you fucker " he shouted from out the room 

Yoongi settled into the bed and jimin put his head on yoongi chest

Yoongi:" why are you sleeping, you just wake up , go to Jin hyung have your breakfast "

Jimin :" let me sleep in your arm for a while , I missed you soo much this night "

Yoongi :" okay but don't stay too much my angel "

Jimin :" thank you hyung , love you "

Yoongi :" me to " and the two slept in no time ..

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