Chapter 67

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And immediately he know that he take the wrong move 

Yoongi was beyond shocked by Jimin burst out , he didn't realize until his hand landed on Jimin's soft cheek making a loud voice .

Jimin stood frozen, his hand still on his red cheek, unable to comprehend the situation. Yoongi, his usually gentle and understanding father, had just slapped him. The shock and fear coursed through his body as he slowly sank onto his bed, his wide eyes fixed on Yoongi.

Yoongi's voice was firm and demanding as he spoke again.

Yoongi : "Stand up, Jimin. Right now." Jimin trembled, his mind racing, but he complied with his father's order, slowly rising to his feet.

Yoongi : "I've been lenient with you, Jimin, but that doesn't mean I won't correct your mistakes when necessary," Yoongi's voice carried a mix of disappointment and frustration. "You've broken my trust. Did you think I would harm you? And now that you realize I won't, you're revealing your true colors?

and you're saying it is not my business !! if it's not mine Jimin then whom ?! you are my son and i will interfere in all your life details .

I'm beyond disappointed, Jimin, but I know it won't matter to you anymore. If you have even a shred of respect left, think twice before acting like this again. As your father, it is my responsibility to interfere in your life, to prevent you from destroying yourself. If you had a problem, we were all here for you—your mom, your hyungs, and me. Did we fail to provide you with the support you needed?"

Jimin's voice quivered as he tried to explain

Jimin : "Dad, I'm sorry..."

Yoongi interrupted him sharply, 

Yoongi : "No, you're not welcome to say anything. Don't even think about touching me. Hand me your phone first."

Tears continued to stream down Jimin's face as he silently handed over his phone to his father. Each word uttered by Yoongi felt like a weight pressing down on Jimin's chest. He hadn't intended to hurt his father or mean what he said. He was just angry and lashing out, wanting to challenge everything that had happened to him.

Jimin's heart ached at his father's words, realizing the consequences of his actions. He didn't want to disappoint his family, but his anger had clouded his judgment.

Yoongi's tone softened slightly as he spoke.

Yoongi :  "You have no choice but to accept the fact that I'm your father, Jimin, and bear the consequences of your actions."

Yoongi : " you are not trusted anymore , in your class will be a camera letting me know what are you doing , your principle will give me a daily report about your behavior there "by now the realty kept sinking on Jimin head , he really messed up

Yoongi : " you are not sleeping with us for 1 week but you are free to sleep with anyone of your hyung " Jimin's eyes widened no it can't be this

Jimin, his voice choked with tears, pleaded, "No Dad, I'm sorry, please. You promised you would never punish me with this again."

Yoongi's gaze remained firm as he replied, 

Yoongi : "That was when you understood that your actions were my concern. But now that you believe you have the freedom to do as you please, the punishment will be extended to two weeks. Don't argue further or it will be even longer." Agony filled Jimin's heart upon hearing his father's words. He wasn't the spoiled kid anymore, and everything had changed. The punishments were severe, and he realized the gravity of his mistakes.

Furthermore, Yoongi declared, "For these two weeks, you are not allowed to utter a word to me. You can speak with your mother and your hyungs, but not me." Jimin's world crumbled before his eyes as he understood the consequences of his actions. He had brought this upon himself, and there was no going back now.

Jimin : " dad no please i swear i will not do this again , this is too much please , you can hit me punish me as much as you want but don't keep me away from you , you know how it will hurt me , and for 2 weeks !!  dad i .. i was just .. " 

Jimin was totally breaking down and he just can't take it , he need to fix this .

Yoongi's heart keep clenching at the seen of his angel crying this much , as much as he want to embrace him in his arms but he need to be firm this time , Jimin had crossed all the lines .

Yoongi took a step forward where Jimin is standing caressing his red cheek , he already regret doing this .

Yoongi : " shhhh , i'm not going anywhere , you know how hard it's for me to keep you away from me , and i'm sorry for slapping you i didn't mean to hurt you like this "

Jimin shook his head 

Jimin : " if it will stop you from keeping you away from me , just do it again as much as you want , but please dad don't do this , i'm ready to get hurt physically , but i can't stay away dad please " Jimin was holding Yoongi's hand that still wiping his tears away hoping that his dad now is not angry and will let it pass.

Yoongi : " i will never hurt you  physically Jimin not intentionally at least , and i don't do this to hurt your emotions , you need to learn to never lie .. hide .. or be irresponsible toward your study , i'm doing this for you , not to hurt you "

Jimin's cry intensify so Yoonig just pulled him in a tight hug as his heart is not cooperate with his mind , his baby is crying and he needs to comfort him.

Yoongi : " you have your mom and hyungs , if you can't sleep and it's soo hard for you,  you can call for your mom and sleep with her , hmmm " 

Every minute passing is just cooling Yoongi's anger and he needs to get out of the room before he is taking all the punishment back 

Jimin : " i'm sorry Dad for my words , i'm sorry for what i did , i'm really sorry " Jimin don't want to let Yoongi's waist , he know if he did his punishment will start and he will not be allowed to touch his Dad for a long 2 weeks .

Yoongi : " it's okay Jimin , Just follow what i said and please don't do this again , don't make me act like this with you " Yoongi was hardly holding his tears so he break the hug taking Jimin's arms from his waist forcefully and ran out of Jimin's room .

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