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Chapter 24

Aerum's heart raced as she sprinted down the hallway toward her class, her lungs burning for oxygen. The weight of her bag tugged at her shoulder, threatening to spill its contents with every hurried step. She chastised herself internally for staying in the hospital this late, but it was also not her fault when she was ready to leave the hospital, Jinwoo's doctor wanted to talk with her.

Finally reaching the classroom door, Aerum skidded to a halt, panting heavily. She could feel the eyes of her classmates and the stern gaze of the professor upon her as she tried to catch her breath. "Miss Lee, you're 15 minutes late," the professor's voice cut through the air, a mix of annoyance and disappointment evident in his tone.

Aerum's chest tightened as she coughed, her asthma flaring up in response to the exertion and stress. "M-my apology Mr Jung" She apologized between gasps, her voice hoarse and strained. She could feel her vision blurring at the edges, a wave of dizziness threatening to overwhelm her.

Desperately, she tried to steady herself, willing her body to calm down. Seeing her distress, the professor's expression softened slightly, though the reprimand was still evident in his eyes. With a sigh, he motioned for Aerum to enter the classroom, though not without a warning for her tardiness.

Aerum scanned the room, her eyes searching for an empty seat amongst the sea of desks already occupied by her classmates. However, luck seemed to evade her as she found no available spot except for one beside Renjun, a classmate with whom she shared no amicable relations.

She hesitated for a moment, considering her options, before reluctantly taking the only available spot in the room with a resigned groan.

As she settled into the desk, Renjun lifted his head from the table, his piercing gaze locking onto her.

"What do you think you're doing?" he snapped, his tone laced with arrogance. "Sitting, don't you see?" Aerum replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"You can't sit here, not with me," Renjun declared haughtily, his demeanor unwelcoming. Unfazed by his attitude, Aerum bent down and began inspecting the desk, much to Renjun's annoyance. "The f are you doing?" he snapped, irritation flaring in his eyes. He unconsciously toyed with his lip piercing, a subtle display of his impatience, while the tattoo on his neck hinted at a hidden edge beneath his tough exterior.

Aerum met his gaze squarely. "Checking if you had your name on this seat, but sadly I didn't see any, which means you don't own this seat," she retorted calmly, refusing to back down in the face of his arrogance.

Renjun scoffed in response, clearly unimpressed by Aerum's retort. The tension between them hung thick in the air, as Renjun completely shut the thoughts of her and laid his head on the desk while closing his eyes.

Aerum meanwhile takes out her notebook to write whatever the professor is going to teach.

The professor’s voice droned on, and Aerum did her best to focus on the lecture. Her chest still ached, but her breathing was finally starting to even out. She scribbled notes furiously, determined not to fall further behind despite her late arrival. Beside her, Renjun seemed to be in his own world, uninterested in the lesson.

Minutes ticked by, and Aerum’s mind began to wander.  She thought back to the hospital conversation with Jinwoo about Aunt Mary but she quickly shook her head, pushing the thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time.

“Miss Lee,” the professor’s voice jarred her from her thoughts. “Perhaps you could explain the concept we’ve just discussed?”

Aerum blinked, her heart sinking as she realized she had missed the last part of the lecture. She quickly glanced at her notes, trying to piece together what she had heard. “Um, yes, Mr. Jung. We were talking about the characteristics of…” She paused, feeling the eyes of her classmates on her, and her mind went blank.

Renjun lifted his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched her struggle. “Baroque art,” he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear.

Aerum shot him a glance before continuing. “Uhm...yeah, the characteristics of Baroque art. Specifically, how it is characterized by exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, and music.”

The professor nodded, his expression neutral. “Correct. Next time, Miss Lee, I suggest you pay more attention.”

Aerum nodded, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. As the lecture continued, she kept her eyes glued to her notebook, refusing to look at Renjun.

When the class finally ended, Aerum hurriedly packed her belongings, eager to leave the tension-filled classroom. Renjun, however, was in no rush. He leaned back in his chair, watching her with an unreadable expression.

“You should thank me,” he said as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

Aerum paused, her grip tightening on the strap of her bag. “For what?”

“For saving your ass back there.”

Aerum's eyes narrowed, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "I didn't ask for your help, Renjun," her voice cold.

Renjun raised his eyebrows, waiting for her reply.

She sighed, too tired to engage in another argument. “Fine, thank you, Renjun,” she said curtly, turning to leave.

shaking his head. “You’re welcome, Aerum,” he said under his breath and watched her quickly leave the class.

As she exited the classroom, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Yet, a small part of her was intrigued by Renjun’s unexpected help. She pushed the thought away, focusing instead on her next class and the mountain of work she had ahead of her.


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To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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