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Chapter 13

Caught in uncertainty, Aerum watches the girl with bloodshot eyes leave behind the guard, a foreboding feeling lingering. The man, now holding money and keys, follows with an expression, she couldn't comprehend.

"Miss Aerum, I'm currently tied up with other matters, so I won't be able to address your question right now. Feel free to excuse yourself."

Aerum scoffed, "Well, surprisingly I didn't exactly get the answers I was hoping for." she said, standing up from the couch she was sitting on after picking up her bag.

" Sure, I was leaving anyway" She turned, and the man gave her a look as he held the door for her. "I look forward to crossing paths with you again, Miss Aerum".

she gave a last look, he had a grin, annoyingly disturbing that hadn't satisfied her leaving. There is something he didn't let her know.

Lost in her thoughts she heard the door shut behind her bringing her back to reality, and startling her.

Aerum had questions, a lot of them. Conversation with Jinhyuk's confuses her. Slowly walking to her destination, lost in her thoughts which was interrupted when she saw the large three trucks one by one enter the garage-type area as instructed by Jinhyuk, the girl from before also standing there. Feeling the warmth of her stares Jin-hyuk looks up at her. Smirking, he led the way to the girl inside the garage after the trucks as two guards closed the door behind them and left.

The closing door muffled the distant sounds of approaching trucks.

Alone in the dimly lit street, Aerum takes a deep breath, her nerves on edge. The cold coffee on the glass table serves as a reminder of the unsettling encounter with the mysterious man. The cut on his face, his cryptic answers – it all adds up to a puzzle she's desperate to solve.

The distant rumble of engines breaks the silence as the trucks pull closer. Aerum wrestles with her instincts, torn between confronting the enigmatic man for answers and escaping the impending danger outside.

Gathering her resolve, Aerum moves toward the door, cautiously turning the handle. The hallway inside is eerily quiet, adding to the suspense. She steps into the corridor, glancing both ways, unsure of what lies ahead.

She saw the three trucks, but no one was there, not even a driver. But still, she heard weird noises from there, like something banging inside it. It does scare her for a moment, but before she gathers the strength and checks it two men stop in front of the truck, talking. 

Not to get caught Aerum hides behind the pillar, but luck is not on her side when she finds out the men coming towards her, she panics. And hides further deep in the shadow.

Aerum's heart raced as she concealed herself, the metallic surfaces of the trucks reflecting the dim light. The men passed by, oblivious to her presence, and she remained hidden until they moved away. In the aftermath, she cautiously emerged from the shadows, the mysterious noises still lingering in the air.  Going against her will aerum chooses to ignore it.

Risking further, faint sounds of hushed conversations reach her ears. It was dark, a few dangling bulbs above her head ushered her. Aerum follows the noise, navigating the maze-like structure of the building. A soft glow emanates from a partially open door, drawing her attention.

Peering inside, she discovers a room filled with people, their faces obscured by shadows. The air is thick with tension, and Aerum senses she's stumbled upon something more complicated than she initially thought. Jinhyuk, now engaged in animated discussions, catches her eye.

" How many are there?" Jinhyuk's voice echoed in the room.  Shortly, eyeing the male on the sofa, he had a gold chain dangling on his neck with the four letters imprinted on it " Jack ". The man lounged back, a thin wisp of smoke curling from the end of the arrogantly held cigarette, Each exhale seemed to carry an air of insolence as if the smoke itself were a manifestation of his disdain for the world around him. The way he nonchalantly flicked the ashes, his eyes hidden behind a veil of arrogance, spoke of a man who believed the world should bow to his every exhale.

"We had a total of fifty. Seven tried to run away— we managed to catch five, but two slipped away-" the guard spoke up, he gulped as he was cut off by Jin-hyuk.

" HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN?" he growled, his frustration palpable as his hand forcefully slammed onto the table. The guard flinched, a mix of fear and remorse evident in his demeanour. "It was a mistake, boss," he stammered, his head slightly bowed, avoiding direct eye contact with his irate superior.

The room hung heavy with tension, the consequences of the blunder weighing on both of them. The jinhyuk intense glare bore into the guard, demanding an explanation for the lapse that had allowed something regrettable to occur under their watch.

Aerum remained hidden in the shadows, her heart pounding in her chest as she witnessed the intense confrontation unfolding before her. The dimly lit hall seemed to amplify the tension, and the weight of the unknown situation bore down on her.

Jinhyuk's anger was palpable, his voice reverberating through the hallway. "A mistake? The shipment is tonight! Where do you think we sourced them from, huh?" sneered the interrogator, dripping with mean-spirited arrogance." I-am sorry boss..."  The guard, visibly shaken, stammered out an apology, fully aware of the trouble he had caused.

"FUCK! YOUR APOLOGY CAN'T FIX THE TROUBLE THAT YOU HAVE CAUSED!" Jinhyuk's fury intensified, and Aerum felt a chill run down her spine.

"LISTEN UP HERE I WANT THOSE TWO, IN AN HOUR !' Jinhyuk came closer to the terribly scared guard and took a strong grip around his neck. "or else you and your family will face the consequences. I know you don't want that right?"

As Jinhyuk tightened his grip on the guard's neck, Aerum contemplated Jinhyuk harshly pushed the guard aside, nearly causing him to lose balance. He massaged his face and white beard in annoyance. " NOW FUCK OFF BEFOR-"

Just as Jinhyuk was about to dismiss the guard, the man with the cigarette, a mysterious figure with an air of authority, rose. Crushing his cigarette underfoot, he approached Jinhyuk, laying a hand on his shoulder. The atmosphere shifted, and Aerum could sense a change in dynamics.

"TCH TCH," the man began, calmly addressing Jin-hyuk. "The first rule in our crew is, no room for mistakes. One slip-up, and you're out of the gang." His calm demeanour contrasted sharply with the intensity of the situation. He pulled out his pistol, sending shivers down the guard's spine.

Aerum, hidden in the shadows, pieced together the severity of the guard's error. The man with the cigarette, in a calculated move, added a silencer to the pistol, his actions indicating the gravity of the impending punishment.

"And now that you've made a mistake that can cause us big trouble, so..." The sentence hung in the air, and Aerum's instincts screamed danger. The man tilted his head, a sinister smirk playing on his lips as he aimed the pistol at the guard's head.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the dimly lit hall, punctuating the air with a chilling finality. The guard crumpled to the floor, lifeless. Aerum gasped, her limbs trembling with fear. The man was unfazed, his laughter echoing in the darkened space.


Hi babies!!!
I hope you doing great!!
Btw drink a lot of water, it's cold and we don't get thirsty. Which can cause problems for our body.

Dauntless ↺ huang renjun Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz