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Chapter #23

"Wake up, champ

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"Wake up, champ." Aerum's voice echoed softly through the hospital room as she slid open the white curtain. Sunlight spilled into the room, casting a gentle glow on Jinwoo's sleeping form. Aerum turned to look at him, still nestled in his bed, his breathing steady. She sighed and shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Jinwoo, get up. Your physiotherapist is on his way," she said, giving his shoulder a gentle shake.

Jinwoo groaned, turning his head slightly. "What time is it, Noona?"

"It's half past eight," she replied, moving past his bed to sit on the sofa. She grabbed her bag from the table and pulled out her phone, quickly scanning her messages. There were a few from Mark, Miri, and Chenle, but she focused on Miri’s first.

"Girl, you better not be on leave today without telling me."

"I didn't. I'm at the hospital with Jinwoo. Will be there before ten."

She smiled as she put her phone back in her bag. Today’s class was at ten, and she wanted to visit Jinwoo before heading to university. He had a physiotherapy appointment, and his recovery from the accident had been swift. Seeing him get better day by day filled her and Mark with relief and happiness.

Mark had an early class today, so he drove Aerum to the hospital before heading to university himself. Although his own arm was not fully recovered he did drive. It was a last-minute plan, which explained why Miri wasn’t aware of it.

"What are you doing here this early, Noona?" Jinwoo asked, rubbing his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Aerum stood up from the sofa and dragged a stool over to sit in front of him. "Well, I wanted to see you before my classes. Plus, you’ve got that physiotherapy session today."

Jinwoo gave a sleepy smile. "Thanks for coming. It’s nice to see a friendly face first thing in the morning."

Aerum chuckled. "Well, you’re stuck with me for a bit. How are you feeling today?"

"Better, I think. A bit sore, but not too bad," Jinwoo replied, trying to sit up as aerum quickly stood up to help him.

"That’s good to hear. You’re making great progress," Aerum said, her voice filled with encouragement.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sounds being the faint beeps of the hospital machines and the occasional murmur from the hallway. Aerum watched as Jinwoo gradually woke up, his eyes losing their grogginess.

"You know, Mark and I were talking about how well you’re doing. It’s amazing how quickly you’re bouncing back," Aerum said, breaking the silence.

Jinwoo shrugged modestly. "I guess I’m just lucky to have good people around me."

Aerum smiled warmly. "We’re all here for you. And we’ll be here every step of the way." Jinwoo smiles nodding, but soon his smile fades away as the thought invades him.

" Noona..." His voice was so hushed that she could barely hear. " Yes.." aerum looks at him, waiting for him to continue. " Does mom know about m- I mean about everything?" he asked which made aerum sigh and look down.

"Aunt Mary does know about you. I told her, and she wanted to come, but the weather in Canada has been getting worse, so she hasn't been able to make it here yet." Jinwoo sighed, a look of disappointment briefly crossing his face before he nodded in understanding.

"That's too bad. I was looking forward to seeing her."

"I know," Aerum said, offering a comforting smile. Although she knows as soon as Aunt Mary reaches Korea it will be a big problem for her. She won't forgive her and blames her for everything that happens to Jinwoo.

"But she'll be here as soon as she can". Aerum squeezed his hand gently.

Just then the door opened, and a nurse peeked in. "Good morning! Just a heads-up, the physiotherapist will be here in about fifteen minutes."

"Oh yes...Thank you," Aerum replied, quickly standing up and bowing to the middle-aged nurse.

Jinwoo sighed. "Guess I’d better get ready." Aerum put her hand on the thighs and stood up. Jinwoo nodded.

"Want me to help you with anything?" Aerum offered. " can you help me with the neck collar plaster? I need to take it off before the session," Jinwoo asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Of course," Aerum said, moving closer to gently unfasten the collar. "Hold still for a moment."Jinwoo winced slightly as she worked, but soon he was free of the restrictive plaster. "Thanks, Noona. That feels a lot better." He said.

"No problem," Aerum said, her voice filled with encouragement. "Your bandages will be clean and changed today too," she announced. 

Jinwoo nodded, a mix of relief on his face. "Finally. They’ve been itching like crazy."

Aerum laughed softly. "That’s a good sign, means you’re healing."

Jinwoo shifted slightly, adjusting his pillow behind his back. "Noona, I'm getting so bored staying in this room all day. I really want to go out, even if it's just for a little bit."

Aerum's heart went out to him. She knew how stifling it could feel being confined to a hospital room but also well aware of his wounds still fresh, she can't take a risk at all.

"I understand, Jinwoo. I'll talk to your doctor. If he gives the okay, I'll take you for a stroll in the hospital garden after I get back from university."

Jinwoo's eyes lit up with a mix of hope and relief. "Really? That would be amazing. I just need some fresh air."

"Yep, only when the doctor gives permission" She walked back to the sofa, pulling out her phone again. She had a few more minutes before she needed to head out. Checking her messages again, she saw another one from Miri.

Alright, see you soon!

Aerum typed a quick response, reassuring her friend that she’d be there in time for class. She put her phone in her bag.

As they chatted, the door opened again, and the physiotherapist walked in, a cheerful smile on his face.

"Good morning, Jinwoo. I'm Dr. Chris so are you Ready for today's session?"Jinwoo took a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Great," the therapist said. "Let's get started then."

Going to post two chapters today 😋

Going to post two chapters today 😋

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My dream boii😗

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