15. The ex's ex

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My phone keeps ringing and I ignore it but it persists annoying the hell out of me. I have no choice but to answer it so I grab it from the nightstand. I stare at the unknown number calling me but most importantly the number is not local.

"Adelaide Dlamini hello?" My voice still sounds sleepy. It's 2am in the morning. Normal people are sleeping.

"Sis…sis please help me." My mind automatically opens when I hear Angie's panicked voice. I sit upright to listen carefully.

"Angie? Where are you? What's going on?" She's making me panic as well.

"I'm stranded. I ran out of the house because I saw him killing someone. He saw me and now I'm scared of what he would do if he finds me." She explains in a rushed voice.

"Who? Nathan?" I swear I'm going to fuvking kill that jerk. He better not touch my sister.

"Whose phone are you calling with?"

"A public telephone. I feel better now that I talked to you. I think I'm going back home." What? Is she crazy?

"What the hell Angie? You can't go back."

"I have children Adelaide and I have a plan." I don't trust her plans. Angie is an impulsive thinker. She never think more than twice on her plans. They are likely to backfire.

"Angel, don't get killed please." I beg her. I can't afford to lose another sister.

"I won't. Thank you for picking up. I needed someone to talk to." She ends up hanging up and I no longer feel sleepy.

I walk to the kitchen to make some snacks and find Thandile already up. She's a nocturnal animal because how come she's awake at this time?

"I didn't expect to see you awake." I startle her as I walk in.

"You scared me. I couldn't sleep because I'm having nightmares about the whole murder saga." I understand her. Jail is not a place for children and imagine being accused of murder? You literally see your life flashing before your eyes knowing that now you're going to prison for something you've never done.

"Anything I could do to help?" I open the fridge and take out a bottle of water.

"Probably sitting down with me and chatting." She smiles and continue drinking her tea. I sit down next to her and open my water bottle.

"About what? You and Christopher?" She rolls her eyes while I just laugh. Yesterday when I came back from the hotel in the morning I found Thandile sleeping on Christopher's shoulder. They were both asleep and I didn't wake them up. I just let them be.

"No maybe on you and your new boyfriend. Why do you have love bites on your neck? They are too dark on your beautiful skin." She giggles. She's right though, Qwawe's love bites don't disappear easily. You'll swear I was bitten by something.

"I'm your sister."

"So what? I want to know everything." She's having fun at my expense.

"He's a hookup. Tell me about you? Ever had sex?" She shakes her head but begins to laugh.

"I once met up with this guy. He was a gentleman and all and I told myself that I needed to get out of my comfort zone and break my virginity. Wasn't I nervous? We kissed and took each other's clothes but when I saw his díck? I coughed till Jesus came. He offered me water and I told him I have TB and I forgot my pills at home. I put on my clothes,ran away and never looked back." I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Her story is just so funny.

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