13. Sinful acts continued

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𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕯𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎

Waking up caged in his arms feels so right yet so wrong. I'm not a judge I'm a lawyer so I'm not going to judge myself. When was the last time I woke up in a man's masculine arms? Luyolo has been cheating on me and even got his girlfriend pregnant. Good riddance to bad rubbish. He didn't even reach the g-spot. Qwawe moves around and finally opens his eyes. Why are they so perfect? I want to get lost in them.

"Good morning gemstone." He pulls me even closer to him. We are both naked,limbs tangled and literally breathing each other.

"Morning. Your eyes look more pretty this morning." And I'm not lying. They are sparkling.

"Not prettier than you though." I swear I feel actual butterflies flying in my stomach. His morning husky voice is everything and when he compliments me it makes me want to live in his world forever.

"Why did you call my boss asking for me? You do know that she's going to get suspicious?" I trace the tattoos on his chest. My favourite tattoo of him is the one on his back. It's a beautiful snake with green eyes.

"That's because I want you to be in charge of the hotel deal."

"But I'm a criminal lawyer. I'm in the middle of a murder case. Where am I going to find time?"

"What if I help you solve the murder case?" I stare at him hoping that he's joking. He's not. He's being serious but he's not a lawyer but an architect. I've researched about him.

"I don't need your help. I love being in charge." I play with his small stubble. He rest his face on his arms but I don't move away from him. Qwawe is a whole snack.

"I know. In your case there are four suspects,the little girl, Nkanyiso,the guy you met yesterday and the one who's hiding right?" How does he know all of that?

"And how do you know that?"

"I follow your case gemstone and I must say you make a terrific lawyer. I just wish I was the one in prison." He smiles. He barely smiles but I can see his hidden dimple. It's on his left cheek above the spot a normal dimple reside. Qwawe was sculptured by the best sculpture. He was not made like the rest of us. He's insanely handsome.

"And you're a terrible stalker." He just chuckles. He laughs so lowly yet you can feel the vibrations on his chest. It's like he's lazy to laugh.

"I know where the other boy is hiding. He has the video of Nkanyiso suffocating his friend. He took it discreetly and now he's fearing for his life. If you get your hands on that video and his confession then this case is over." He's so useful. How did he find that out while I as a lawyer I failed?

"What do you want in return for the boy's whereabouts? Lots of sex?" I bite my lower lip in mischief.

"Definitely yes but I also want you to be in charge of this deal because I'm offering you 50% percent shares of the hotel." I almost choke on my spit.

"50%? Why?" I sit upright on the bed.

"I have enough estates. I just want to gift it." I think I like Qwawe. Who else ever offered me a 50% shares of the biggest hotel in Johannesburg? It costs millions and I'll renovate it. I'm a businesswoman after being a lawyer and I know that money is what I'm going to make.

"I like you." I say with a smile.

"Don't catch feelings. I have a fiancee." He smirks. Yet you're cheating on her? I would have to be forgiven for entertaining an almost married man but my relationship was broken apart by another woman. It's karma.

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