14. More shenanigans

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𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕯𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎

"…always wanted to murder Thabo. I just thought it was just a silly grudge over the girl who chose Thabo over Nkanyiso. I came to the party and looked for my friends. I walked upstairs and that's when I saw Nkanyiso strangling Thabo. Kabza was with him and he looked terrified. I wasn't Thabo's fan but what Nkanyiso was doing was wrong. I didn't think he'll kill him but I took out my phone and took a video just in case." The boy who took the video explains to the court what he saw.

"Bullshít! You brought the drugs!" Nkanyiso yells. The judge shuts him up. He's right,SK which is the witness brought the drugs. He gave them to Nkanyiso who stuffed them in Thabo's dead body. The thing is,I asked him to only talk about Nkanyiso so that I can save him. Nobody can prove that he brought the drugs.

"Mr. Diale why didn't you take the footage to the police because Mr. Mofokeng didn't know about it?" The prosecutor continue asking him questions.

"I was afraid if he knew there was a video he would also kill me." SK answers. The prosecutor is defeated.

"No further questions Your Honour." She sits down and we go on a fifteen minutes break then come back for the final verdict.

"We've come to a verdict and the court find Miss Simthandile Khoza not guilty of all charges. Mr Nkanyiso Mofokeng will be held in custody for murder of Thabo Mokoena  and further investigation. The court is adjourned." The judge makes her verdict the leave. Nkanyiso is taken away fighting and Simthandile is beaming of happiness.

The officers let her go and she comes running to me. I engulf her in a hug as she cries. I rub her back until she calms down. She let go of me and wipes her tears.

"Thank you for saving me sis Addy. I'm never going to a party again." She half chuckles still in disbelief that she's actually out.

"You better not. Let's go home so that you can change these clothes." She's wearing a hoodie and some leggings which I brought for her for court since she was in her party outfit. Now we are going to my house so that she can take a proper bath and change.


"Thank you so much Adelaide. Thank you." Simlindile keeps saying over the phone. As much as I helped Thandile I won a case. My first official murder case. I'm building a name for myself and soon I'll be handling high profiles murder cases.

"Thandile is like a little sister to me. Stop thanking me repeatedly."

"They can never make me hate you. I love you okay?" She shouldn't go all emotional on me.

"I love you too." We walk for some time before hanging up. Christopher walk in. What is he doing in my house this one?

"Can I help you Mr. Dlamini?" He just chuckles and sit down on the counter. I'm sitting down on the kitchen stool.

"Why the formality? I'm here to congratulate you on winning your first case advocate Dlamini." Okay maybe having a little brother is not all that bad.

"Thank you bhuti omcane." I grin like a Cheshire cat. Christopher is too arrogant to congratulate me when he does I need to live in the moment. Before he could reply Thandile walks in the kitchen in just her shorts and crop top. I brought her clothes so that she can stay with me for at least a week. Her aunt knows that she sometimes do sleepover.

"Hey jailbird." He teases her and she rolls her eyes at him. They are both nineteen and friends but they are always teasing each other or fighting. I think Christopher likes her but he's too scared to approach her because she might friendzone him. Thandile doesn't date and she's more matured for her age.

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