1. Left at the altar

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𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕯𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎

The mood is a cheerful one as I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm in love with the woman I see at the mirror. She's beautiful but most importantly she looks happy. I can't stop smiling. The door opens and my mother,Aqua Dlamini walks in. She's wearing a beige mermaid dress that she designed herself. It's almost matching with my wedding dress except mine is flawlessly white and it's so long.

“I never thought that I'll see this day where my little Addy gets married.” She wipes a tear off her eyes. She's a little dramatic.

"Me too Mom." She engulfs me in a bone crashing hug and I can't help but cling to her. I'm scared about this life changing experience. I'm not even sure if I'm ready but I love Luyolo and I'm willing to spend the rest of my wild life with him. He chose me out of millions of women in this world.

Jay pushes open the door and walk in wearing a beige coloured three piece suit. He's looking amazing if he was not gay I would bang him. I'm being for real. I let go of Mom.

"Enough hugging. It's time to walk to the alter! Where's Chester Daddy?" He cheerfully claps his hands as he talk. I cringe at the way he addresses my dad. It's clear he has a crush on dad hence my dad always ignores him.

The door opens and my dad walk in wearing a matching suit with Jay.

"Pumpkin you're looking gorgeous." He walks closer towards me.

"Chester Daddy we are matching!" Jay squeals but my dad gives him a glare which Jay ignores.

"Okay Jay let's go. You'll be okay right?" Mom ask and I give her an assuring smile which she returns before exiting the room with Jay.

"Shall we?" Dad ask. I take a deep breath and stand up. I hook up my arm with my dad's and look at him then gives him a nod.

We walk out of the room and get in the cart that's waiting for us outside. Dad drives the cart to the venue. When we get there music start playing and A thousand years by Christina Perri start playing. This feels like deja vu. It reminds me of the day my sister was walking down the aisle while the same song was playing but her happiness was short lived when she was kidnapped at the day of her wedding. I push away the painful memory to the back of my mind and slowly steps down from the cart.

My dad hooks up our hands and we slowly walk to the altar as the song plays. Luyolo is standing at the end of the alter in a light grey suit. He's really looking so handsome I can't believe I'll spend the rest of my life with such a man. I must be God's favourite child.

As I reach the altar with dad he let go of my arm and kiss my forehead before he gives Luyolo a glare intimidating him. He then leave to his seat.

I turn my attention to Luyolo and give him a smile. He looks a little nervous and so am I. Luyolo and I have been dating for six months and he proposed two months ago. My mom was so happy that she is the one who paid for the wedding and organised everything.

"I'm sorry Addy. I can't do this." I stare at him in confusion. What is he talking about?

"What do you mean?" My voice comes out shaky and unsure. Two traits that are unlike me because I'm a confident person.

"I can't marry you. I'm in love with someone else." He wipes his sweat on the forehead before giving me a last glance and leaving me at the altar. My worst nightmare came true. It's not being left at the altar but something going wrong during my wedding.

I hear gasps and mumblings as I feel stuck on the same place. I see Mom approaching me with a sad expression on her face. It's pity. I don't like being pitied so before she could reach me I run out of the church. I keep running until I reach the parking lot. I ask the chauffeur boy for my car key and he gives it to me. I unlock my red Mini Cooper and get inside.

I drive out of the parking lot and continue driving. I don't know where I'm going but I keep driving. I don't know how to feel. I finally reach the middle of a forest and stops my car. I hit the car hooter aggressively and repeatedly and start crying as the reality of my life catches up with me.

What did I expect? My wedding day to run smoothly while my sister was kidnapped at her own wedding? We are cursed. My other older sister Angel got married in court and nobody was even there except her so called husband. As for me I was left at the altar. It hurts because a year ago I wanted nothing to do with men but Luyolo came.

He was so sweet and his sex game is out of this world. He was not clingy and he ticked off all the boxes for a perfect boyfriend but I guess I missed something as a girlfriend. I wish he told me sooner. Why did he have to hurt me on our wedding day? He embarassed me in front of all those people. Why am I even crying for him? I wipe my tears off but the pain remains in my heart. I'm heartbroken and it hurts as hell but one thing for sure my tears won't fall down for nothing. Not as long as my dad treats me like a princess,no man is going to treat me like trash.

Rain start pouring out. I didn't even realise it was about to rain. As I start my car it refuses to start. I try again and again but it doesn't bugde. I don't have my phone to call anyone and I don't know how to fix a car but somehow I get out of the car and try to hitchhike. The rain pour on me like I'm in a shower. It's worse.

There's no car in sight and my wedding dress is all wet as well as my frontal. I look like a mess and I go back to the car. I hope a miracle comes. I stare at myself at the rearview mirror and my mascara is all smudged and my hair looks like a wet a chicken. I hate this day already.

Clearly when it rains it doesn't pour because I hear a knock at my window as I was trying to close my eyes for a bit. I unlock my car and open the door. There's a man in black outside my car holding an umbrella which is also black.

"Hi miss. My boss and I were wondering if everything is okay." He sounds polite and by his dressing code he looks like a man who works for an important person. He looks like someone who goes to gym. Maybe he's not just a driver but a bodyguard as well.

When I was still in school dad hired bodyguards for us. They were also drivers and they would drive us to school. Asante would get along with the drivers and call them her friends while I would treat them like slaves. As for Angie she used to flirt with them. We were three sisters who were just too different.

"My car is stuck and I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere." I hug my body as I start feeling cold.

"Ditch your car and come ride with us." He says and I'm so grateful.

"Thank you so much. Let's go." I lock my car and he walks with me to where his car is parked. He's holding the umbrella for me and opens the back door to a black SUV for me.

"I'm wet is that okay?" I don't want to ruin their car seats.

"Don't worry about a thing just get in." He assures me and I smile before getting inside the car.

When inside I realise how warm the car feels. There's a man sitting not far from me. He's looking outside the window and his face is not visible. He's wearing black pants and a white shirt. There's a tattoo peeking out on his neck. He have rolled the sleeves of his shirt and playing with his cufflinks in his left hand.

"Thank you." I tell him because I'm guessing he's the boss. He doesn't acknowledge me though but the driver gets in.

"Where are you from?" The driver ask as he start the car.

"Bedfordview." I tell him and he nods then he start driving. Thank you to whoever send this men my way. I just want to get to my apartment and sleep my life away. I'm so emotionally drained.

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