4. The ELC

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𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕯𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎

The door to my old room opens and my mother walks in. I don't even want to see her so I decide to just ignore her by closing my eyes as my head is already on the pillow. I hear her sitting down on the bed.

"I know you're not sleeping and I want to apologize." Her voice is gentle. I open my eyes to stare at her.

"Asenathi didn't do anything wrong. She lost a mother here. She was here to meet her maternal family but imagine the pain she's feeling when she's rejected by her aunt who looks like her mother." Why is she guilt triping me? I didn't reject anybody.

"I didn't reject her mom. I just hate Nkosinathi. You know everything is his fault. If it was not for him my sister would have—" She interrupt me.

"Asante is no more. Please get up and meet Asenathi. She's crying downstairs." She stands up and leave. I groan in frustration before getting up and walking to the bathroom to wash my face.

I walk downstairs to find the two siblings gone but Asenathi is laughing from the kitchen. Even her laugh sounds like Asante's. She's a mini replica of her in everything. I walk to the kitchen and find her sitting on the counter as my dad is decorating his cupcakes. They smell divinely.

"Hi Dad. Hi Ase. Are you settling in?" I join her at the counter.

"Yeah. Do you hate me?" She's staring into my eyes waiting for an answer.

"I don't. I was just shocked to see you."

"So you like me?" I nod and she smiles and hugs me. I have so many questions but this is definitely my sister's child. I'll get the answers from Nkosinathi but for now I'll embrace my niece.

"I love you." I kiss her forehead as I let go of her. I get off the counter.

"I'm not spending the night here. I'm going to my place but I'll see you tomorrow." I pick a cupcake. It's chocolate chip cupcake. Dad's all time favourite. You may think him being a renowned chef would make his taste exquisite but no,my dad loves simple things.

"Bye aunty." Asenathi says as I walk outside. My Mini Cooper is still parked at the same spot I parked it. I finish my cupcake and get inside my car and drive to my place.


I stare at myself in the mirror and I look like a million dollars. I went to the beauty parlour earlier on to install my ginger coloured frontal. Now I'm wearing a matching set of suit and a pair of white Gucci stilletos. I'm also holding a Louis Vuitton purse. I apply the red lipstick for the last time before I put it back in the make up kit.

I look for my phone and put it inside my purse. I close the curtains before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I'm always lazy to cook so sometimes I skip breakfast. I just open the fridge and takes out an apple. My fridge is almost empty and I know my mom is going to fill it with grocery and even cook. She's always forcing me to eat so I entertain her.

I walk to my garage and get inside my car. Actually I need to replace this Mini Cooper with a Volvo C40 recharge. It doesn't suit my standards now but buying the Volvo means I'll be emptying all my savings. I can't ask my dad to buy me one because he thinks I'm too spoilt. Am I too spoilt? Well anyway let's go.

The drive to the hotel takes me only thirty minutes. I park in the parking lot and get out of my car. I walk to the front desk.

"Good morning." I greet the receptionist.

"Good morning ma'am." She stares at me like she recognises me.

"Adelaide Dlamini?" Yes that's me,MaDlamini.

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