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Way: Fah!!! Lets go, you will be late.....

Fah: Mom, I don't want to go to school, I want to stay here....(Crying)

Way: Fah, don't be stubborn anymore please....

Fah: I do not want...

Fah was about to go back inside the house but Pete suddenly carried her....

Fah: Dad!

Pete: Fah, listen to me, I have something to tell you, if you don't want to go to school, I won't allow you to see your Uncle anymore.

Fah: but...

Pete: Fah, do not be stubborn ok, Trust me, you will have more friends there.

Fah is having second thoughts whether to go to school or not, if she doesn't go, she won't be able to see the baby anymore.

Fah: Ok dad..

Pete: Ok so let's go, get in the car, your mom is waiting....

When they arrived at the school, Fah suddenly hugged Way tightly as if she didn't want to let go.

Fah: Mom, let's go home...

Way: I thought you already agreed...

Fah: I'm scared, I don't want to leave you...

Way: (Laughing) Baby don't be afraid, they are kind, and they will be friends with you, So let's go....

They entered inside. As they entered, the childrens suddenly approached them and greeted them. Way put Fah on the floor, but Fah suddenly ran to Pete....

One of his classmates approached him and talked to him

Dao: Hi classmate, what's your name?

Fah: U-uh-uhm, I'm Fah.....(Hide behind Pete)

Dao: I'm Dao nice too meet you...

Dao suddenly extended his hand to shake with Fah, but Fah is still afraid..

Pete: Fah, you can do it....(nod)

Fah: Nice to meet you....(shake hands)

Dao: Let's be friends....

Fah: Ok....(smiled)

Fah and Dao went inside the classroom to play

Way: Ma'am, we will go ahead, please take care of Fah, he's a bit naughty.

Teacher: it's ok sir no problem....(smiled)

Way: Fah, We are leaving, we will just come back later when you are done ok...

Fah: Yes mom, bye dad....

Pete and Way left already

Dao: Fah Let's Play...

Fah: Yes yes...

"Inside the car"

While Pete was driving, he suddenly noticed that Way seemed to be feeling unwell.

Pete: Way are you ok?

Way: Yes I'm ok....

Pete: Seems like you're not okay.

Pete held Way by the forehead to check if he was sick, When Pete touches his forehead, his temperature is different. Way suddenly said that he feels like he's about to vomit, He also feels like he's getting dizzy~~~~( Is this a sign to have one more ****🤭)

Pete: I will take you to the hospital....

Way: Are you sure, how about your work.....( Feeling dizzy)

Pete: Forget it... we're almost at the hospital, just a little more patience...

Way: mhmm....

A few hours ago, Way was lying down and resting in the hospital while Pete picked up Fah from school. When Pete and Fah arrived at the hospital, Fah immediately ran towards Way.

Fah: Mom!! What happened are you ok....(Tears fell)

Way: I'm okay Fah, don't worry.....(Kissed)

Fah: Mom, I told you I don't want to leave you....(crying)

Way: Stop crying, it's okay, mom is okay.....(He wiped away Fah's tears)

The doctor suddenly entered

Doc: Way, How are you?

Way: I'm fine doc...

Doc: Way,Pete, I have something to tell you..

Pete: What is that, doc?

The doctor suddenly smiled and told them that

Doc: Way, congratulations your pregnant, you're going to have a second child...

Pete/Way: Huh???....(shocked)

Fah: Yeeyyyy, I already have a little brother yeyy, Thank you mom, thank you dad.....(happy)

Way and Pete are looking at each other as if they were very surprised

Pete: Doc, you might just be mistaken...

Doc: No Pete, Is it true that she's really pregnant, That's all excuse me Mr, Pete.... (Left)

Way: Fah, you have a new sibling.

Fah: Yes mom, I want a little brother, Look at Uncle Alan, they have a baby boy, and I also want a baby boy....

Way: (laughing) Fah, we won't know yet if it's a baby boy...

Fah: Ok, I'll wait for the baby to come out of your belly...(hugged his belly)

Way: Pete, Why are you standing there, are you not happy?

Pete: Way, im very very happy, I'm just looking at both of You guys, You two are so cute when you're together.

Way: This will be even cuter when you're with us, So come here...

Fah: Dad, come here....

Pete approached Way and kissed him on the forehead

Pete: Way, thank you very much for giving me another blessing for this family, Thank you Way.....(kissed)

Fah: Mom? Dad? What are you doing?

Pete/Way: Just hug your mother...

Fah: Can I join....

Way: Sure.....(smile)

The three of them are happily hugging each other....

To Be Continued.....

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