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Alan: Oh! Way is here... Why did you take so long in the washroom?

Way: Ahhh??....

Gun and his two friends suddenly arrived.

Gun: Congratulations Dean...(winks at Way)..... Oh, Mr. Pete, long time no see.....

Pete: Long time no see, sorry I didn't visit you, because I was busy....

Gun: Hahaha, it's ok, that's how life really is..... by the way, who's the person next to you?..... (Pretends he doesn't know Way).....

Pete: Ah!, this is Way, My wife...... (Smiled).....

Gun: Nice to meet you Way......(Scary look)....

(Way ignored Gun).....

Alan: Guys, let's have a drink, there's a bar near here, Who wants to come?

Everyone: Me!!.....Let's go!!

Way: Pete, I'm going home first, so I can rest, I'm a little sleepy...

Pete: Ok, I'll take you home first.....

Way: Ok.......

Way wanted to go with them, but Gun and his two friends were there, he was afraid that something might happen to him, so he just chose to go home.....

Pete: P'alan, I'll just take Way home first....

Alan: Ok,, I will send you the location later....

Pete: Ok....... (Left)....

Gun: P'alan, send me the location too, I'll go home first, to get dressed....

Alan: Ok ok.....

No one knows that they have an bad plan to do...

When they got home, Pete didn't want to leave Way, because he was worried and he was the only one in the house

Pete: Way, I don't want to leave you here...

Way: Huh? Why.....

Pete: Nothing, I just want to keep an eye on you...

Way: Pete don't worry about me, hurry up go there, they are waiting for you....

Pete: Are you sure?....

Way: mhmm....(smiled)....

Pete: Ok, call me, if there's a problem.....(kissed).....

Pete went to Way's stomach and talked to him

Pete: Baby, take care of your mom.....Protect her when someone tries to hurt her....... (Kissed)...

Way: Pete, stop hahahaha...

Pete: Way, please be careful, when I'm not here....bye..... (Kissed and Left)

Way: Bye be careful I love you...... (Worried)....

"At The Bar"

Babe: Oy, Pete is here, Pete!! Come here sit down...

Pete: Where are the others? Aren't they going here?

Babe: They say they're on their way...

Pete: Petch, where's Gun? Why isn't he here yet?

Petch: Ah! He went to the bathroom for a while, he will come back..

Pete: Ok..

(Someone called)

Gun: Yes, as long as you do what I ask you to do.....Ok, let's meet here, Don't pretend that we know each other..... Ok..... (Hang's up)...

Babe: Gun is here!!, why did it take you so long?

I Will Not Make You Suffer (pingnut) Where stories live. Discover now