CHAPTER 14 "The Promise "

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When Pete reached Raji's house, Pete woke Raji up..

Pete: Miss?....were here....

Raji: Oh!! Sorry....Alright, thank you for bringing me here....

Pete: No problem.... (Smiled)....

(When Riji got out of the car, he suddenly tripped and fell down)

Raji: Ouch!!..... (Pretended)....

Pete: What happened?...

Raji: I tripped one of my foot, but I'm ok I can walk... Ouch!!..(Pretending)

Pete: I'll bring you inside...

Pete carried Raji inside the house, and placed him in the living room...

Raji: Thank you Pete for everything..... (Smiled)....

Pete: No problem....

Raji: Pete before you go I'll give you something to drink, maybe you're thirsty, Wait, I'll get it from the kitchen first....

Raji went to the kitchen and got something to drink, Raji took something from his pocket and put it in the drink...

Raji: Pete, drink first.... (There's a bad plan)....

Pete didn't know that he had put something in his drink...

Pete: Uhmm, Miss, Thank you, I'm going home first, there's someone waiting for me at home...

Raji: Ok.......

When Pete went out the door, Suddenly Pete's body gets hot and sweaty, Raji approaches him and says...

Raji: You're so silly Pete, you easily believe in girls like me.. But it's ok, from now on enjoy yourself....Hahahaha....

Raji suddenly kissed Pete, And Raji took off Pete's clothes, Until they went to the room where the cameras were also set up..

Author's POV
Sorry guys, I didn't continue the story of Raji and Pete here, because I can't... 😭

"Pete's House"

Way was sleeping soundly in his bed, until someone rang on his phone.... he suddenly woke up maybe it was Pete texting. But he saw a message that he didn't know who it was... He looked at it, and he was shocked, there were many pictures and videos of Pete with a girl, He looked at all the videos and pictures....... At first he didn't believe it because it might be someone else, but when he saw Pete and the girl doing something.... She cried suddenly and trembling, she covered her mouth so he wouldn't make a noise..... She said nothing but cried and cried, She left Pete's house and went back to her own house.... When he went out, Way didn't know that someone was watching him outside....

Guy: Gun, I saw Way come out, he looks hurt.......what should I do next?.....

Gun: Just follow him first......

Guy: Ok ok..... (Hang up)......

"In The Morning"

When Pete woke up early, he suddenly wondered why he was already in bed and not wearing any clothes... He quickly got dressed and went to the living room.... Pete suddenly remembered last night what happened with him and Raji, Pete suddenly gets angry, and punches the wall........

Pete: Pete, what the hell did you do last night....(nervous)......(He talked to himself...)

Pete looked at his phone, He saw on his phone that there were many missed calls from Way that he didn't answer last night.... Pete calls Way But he doesn't answer, he goes quickly to his house.....

Pete: Way, Im so sorry, I hope you forgive me.....(Worried)....

"Gun's apartment"

Gun: Good job Raji, you did a good job of what I asked you to do, oh this is my payment for what you did to Pete last night......(smiled)....

Raji takes the money

Raji: Thank you... I'm leaving first because I have something to go to... Just tell me when you need something, I'll do it..... (Left)...

Gun: Ok........(laughing).....

Pete's House

When Pete got back to his house, he quickly went inside to see Way...

Pete: Way, I'm here, where are you?.....

Pete felt that the whole house was empty, he looked for Way in the room but there was no one.....he called Way again on the phone, Pete suddenly heard Way's phone ringing in their room, Pete went to and took the cellphone until he saw the videos and pictures sent to Way last night.....Pete was so worried, he had no choice but to call Alan...

Pete: Hello!, P'.... Did you see Way?

Alan: No, why?

Pete: Ahh!!!.... Ok Thank you...... (Hang up)

Alan: What happened to him? (Sigh) nevermind.......(confused)

Pete: Way, where are you??...... (Worried)....

Pete suddenly thought that Way might be at his house... Pete immediately went.....

"At Way's house"

Way was sitting in the living room while holding his stomach, as he was thinking so much, he was stunned with tears falling... Suddenly Pete came, and he saw Way.... He approached him. ..

Pete: Way!!...I've been looking for you for a while, I thought something happened to you.. (Holds the hand)....

Way looked at Pete as if he didn't know him..

Pete: Way!!....Way!!!...

Way cried and walked away from Pete and said....

Way: Why are you here? leave!!... Aren't you happy with your girl??...Leave us alone, I don't need you anymore.....

Pete: Way, listen to me....

Way: Listen?..... Hahahaa, I don't need your explanation anymore, I want you to get out of this house!!... I don't want to see you broke my trust, Pete , didn't you promise me that you won't hurt me, protect me from whatever happens, didn't you? but what is it? I'm such a fool, I'm always in pain......I'm so tired Pete.....(crying)....

Pete: Way, Please...... (Hugged).....

Way: Let me go!!.....(crying)....

(Way pushed Pete)...

Pete: Way, im so sorry, please Let me explain....

Ignoring Pete, Way went to his room and locked the door...

Pete knocked on the door and said something...

Pete: Way, I'm sorry for what I did to you, please, I didn't like what happened last night... Way, don't hate me please, I love you and our future child, I won't leave you Way, please give me a chance to explain...

Way: please Pete, go away, I don't need you anymore, I'm so tired, I want to be alone!!.....(crying)....

Way held his stomach...

Way: Baby, don't worry I'll take care of you, even if I'm alone.... I won't leave you, I'll love you even if it's just the two of us mhmmm.......

Way covered his mouth with both his hands and cried...

To Be Continued.....

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