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Way's House

In the morning, the Baby started crying, while Way was in the bathroom, when Way heard the baby crying, he quickly went and carried it...

Way: Shhhhh... Don't cry, mama is here....

Way went downstairs carrying the baby and saw Pete cooking some food, The child is still crying even though he is being breastfed.....

Pete: Ohhhhh Why is our baby girl crying??.....(they both kissed)

Pete: What happened?.... (Gentle voice)


Way: I already gave her some milk but she still won't stop crying.

Pete: That's okay, it's normal for babies...

Pete carried the baby and Way continued cooking...

Pete: Baby stop crying.....

Way smiled because he felt Pete's love for both of them, so now he realizes how important his family is, Suddenly someone called Pete's phone, Way was about to get the phone but Pete took it immediately....

Pete: Way, I will answer......

Way: Ok? .....(wondering)

Pete: Hello??

Pete goes outside, while Way is worried because someone calls him every day, and Way also notices that Pete seems to be hiding something....


Babe: Charlie, please get the tools over there....

Charlie: Ok Babe

Babe: Thank you.....(smiled)

Charlie: No problem as long as it's you....(Smiled)

Way went to the garage with his baby.

Way: Hi guys, long time no see....

Charlie: Oh Way, how are you?

Way: Im fine....

Babe: Why didn't you bring Pete here? Where is he?

Way: Ahh, he told me that he had to take care of something at the office first....

Babe: Ahhhhhh.....(akward)

Charlie: Uhmm Way, please sit down first....

Way: Thank you, Where is Alan, by the way?......(Looking around)

Charlie: He also left, he told us that he was going somewhere....

Way: Ok.....(Sigh)

"Pete House"

Alan arrived at Pete's house

Alan: Pete, how are you? Is everything okay now?

Pete: Of course.....(smiled)

Pete: P'..? Are you sure that Way will like what I'm doing?

Alan: Of course, Way will surely appreciate all the effort you've given, so don't worry.....

Pete: Thank you P'.....( Smiling while looking at the small ring box)

"Late at Night "

Way suddenly wondered why Pete hadn't come home yet, He called it but there was no answer,so he seems worried and sad because Pete might get bored with her. The baby suddenly cried so Way just went upstairs.....

Pete has just arrived at Way's house, So he entered their room and saw Way sitting on their bed.....

Pete: Way, why aren't you sleeping yet? Is there a problem?

Way suddenly approached Pete and hugged him

Way: Welcome back....(smiled)

Way suddenly kissed Pete and also kissed his neck, so Pete wondered why Way was behaving like that.

Pete: Way, stop it, what happened?

Way still continued to kiss Pete

Pete: Way,  not now please.....(He touched the cheek)

Way: Don't you like it?.....(sad)

Pete: I like it but not now, I'm a bit tired....

Way: Uhmm, Ok.....(sad)

Pete went to the bathroom to clean up so he could sleep, Way felt sad and tears fell so Way just went to the bed and lay down and slept, While Way was sound asleep, Pete approached Way and kissed him on the forehead.

Pete: Good night Way....(smiled)

To Be Continued.....

I Will Not Make You Suffer (pingnut) Where stories live. Discover now