CHAPTER 6 "Dont Be Afraid"

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"At The Garage"

When it was late at night and the other members of
X hunter were enjoying themselves and drinking, Alan left and went outside to the garage because he was worried why he hadn't received a call from Way..... Alan called again and again on the phone but still no answer....

Alan: Way please answer!... (Ringing)...

Jeff turned back and saw Alan outside who was calling someone, Jeff went outside to ask Alan if he was ok...

Jeff: Guys, I'm going to the bathroom first....

(Jeff immediately went to Alan)

Jeff: Are you ok?...

Alan: Yes, I'm fine, But I'm worried about Way because I told him to call me when he gets home, but I still haven't received a call from him, I've been calling him for a while but no one really answers....

Alan: I'll go to Way house first, maybe something bad happened to him.... (Worried)...

Jeff: Don't...!!! you might have an accident if you go now... So please!....

Alan: But?...Ok fine....(sigh)....

Jeff: Let's go inside...

(Alan and Jeff went back inside).........

"Pete House"

Ringing!! Ringing!! (clock rang)

Way woke up and suddenly got up, he saw his body full of red marks, Way was panicked and scared because what was done to him was happening again, Way went to the bathroom and he wiped his body and cried....

Way: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!...........You are so dirty Way, You're so weak!!! can't even save yourself...(Talking to himself).......(Screaming and Crying)

Way sits in the dark bathroom and hides and seems to be out of his mind, Pete comes into the room with food....

Pete: Way!! is your food.....

When he looked at the bed Way was not there, Pete suddenly put down the food and looked for Way in the whole room, Pete saw Way in the bathroom sitting and looking scared.... Pete came to him and said....

Pete: Come on, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..

Way: Please don't hurt me!!... I will do everything Please.....(Crying)...

Pete approached way and said..

Pete: Way, I have no bad intentions towards you, don't be afraid.....(Pete touched her face and wiped her tears very gently)

Pete: Stop crying......

Way suddenly hugged Pete and said....

Way: Please I don't want to see them anymore, They are bad people..... Pete, don't leave me.....(Crying)...

Pete: Don't worry I'm here...(Confused and worried)...

And when Way calmed down, Pete took Way to the living room and made him sit there and feed him......

Pete: Way are you ok?..... Let's eat...

Way slowly took the spoon with shaking hands....Pete noticed that Way was shaking so he took the spoon and fed Way....

Pete: Way don't worry i will take care of you no matter what..... (Gentle voice).....

Way: Thank you Mr. Pete.... (Smile)

Pete: You can call me Pete...

While Pete was still feeding Way, Kenta suddenly came and said something...

Kenta: Sir!!!.....

Way was surprised, Way suddenly hid behind Pete because he was shocked by Kenta's scream....

Pete: What Happened??....

Kenta: Sir, You have a meeting today, so please hurry up and get ready......

Pete: Ohh!!...I forgot, please wait in the car, I'll follow.....

Kenta smiles because of what he saw earlier... (Left)

Pete was surprised because Way was hiding behind him..

Pete: Way!... Why are you hiding behind me?

Way: Who is that?? (scared)

Pete: Ahh, Kenta is my assistant, you don't know her?.....she was the one who taught or took you to my office....

Way: Ahhh, sorry.....

Pete grabs Way's waist and Pete point his nose and tells him....

Pete: Don't worry, kenta won't hurt you.....(Gentle)

Way smiles because he feels safe and comfortable when Pete is her side......


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