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"Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people there have to say."
Ace extended his arm and gestured towards the small, dilapidated cottage that stood at the very edge of the dense forest, far removed from any sign of civilization. "I don't think anyone lives there."

I said as Ace smiled at me. "We can't be too sure about this. Besides, you live in a ramshackle dormitory, and its condition is very similar to this one~"

He cheerfully walked away, leaving Deuce to merely sigh at the sight of Grim and me with our annoyed expressions.

Without exchanging any words, we made our way through the dense forest until we arrived at the house. Ace knocked several times on the door, but there was no response, and it appeared that no one lived there.

Carefully, Ace opened the door, and we stepped inside to take a look around. The house was incredibly small, so much so that the boys had to bend their heads slightly to avoid hitting the low ceiling.

The cottage was filled with dust and spider webs, and it was inhabited by numerous tiny animals and insects that had made it their home.

There were seven tiny chairs arranged neatly, along with seven small plates and cutlery, and seven equally little cups and glasses set out as well.

Everything was miniature-sized, perfectly living up to the name "dwarfs-mine."

"When the mine was flourishing, this house must have been a lively place,"
Deuce muttered to himself under his breath as he meticulously inspected the lounge area, his brow furrowed in concentration as he searched for any clues or anomalies that might offer insight into their current predicament."Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine.
Let's head inside and take a look."

Accompanying Ace, we ventured outside and cautiously approached the entrance of the mine. Peering inside, all we could discern was a vast expanse of pitch-black darkness, an abyss that seemed to swallow all and hint at the unknown depths lying within.

In this situation, a bit of light magic would have been immensely useful, but despite my proficiency in magic, illuminating the darkness isn't my specialty.

Ace clicked his tongue in frustration before reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a small box. Its rubbery cover was adorned with red hearts scattered across its surface, a whimsical design that seemed out of place in the current situation. However, to my surprise, the box emitted a soft glow of light magic.

What sorcery is this?!

The light from the box pierced through the darkness of the mine like a sharp knife, casting long, eerie shadows as we followed closely behind Ace, our senses on high alert as we ventured deeper into the unknown depths.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐁𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝  [TWST x Ballerina (Odile) reader]Where stories live. Discover now