Final Chapter Pt. 1

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King Shaheer sat with his head in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Kiah stood beside him, not knowing what to do or say to ease the king's suffering.

emir Kabir sat beside the king, patting his back, yet knowing he couldn't even ease an ounce of his pain.

King Shaheer eventually calmed himself, he wiped his tears and nose on a tissue and sat up. at that point, he couldn't even feel the pain in his shoulder, not of the dislocation nor the bullet wound.

Kiah sat on her knee and gave the king a glass of water. King Shaheer's hand shook too much even to hold the glass.

Emir Kabir held the glass for him and the king took a few sips.

"Your Highness, you have been sitting here for hours. It's time to hasten Omar's burial." emir Kabir spoke.

"what am I going to tell his mother?" King Shaheer sighed.

"Your Highness, he tried to kill you." Kabir tried to console him.

King Shaheer nodded along, the guilt was eating him alive but he had the peace of knowing he did the right thing. yet, the burden of carrying his own son's dead body made it all feel trivial.

emir Kabir knew what happened in the room, and so did Kiah, both feeling immense sadness for the king.

"Dad!" a voice came from the doorway startling the king. it was Sara, the king's daughter. She came in running and embraced her father tight.

"What happened Dad?" she asked holding his face.

King Shaheer couldn't even look his daughter in the eyes.

she then turned to Kiah and Emir Kabir for answers.

"Prince Omar, he tried to kill the king," Kiah spoke.

"what? no! not my Omar. Dad, is that true?" Sara turned to her father.

the king looked down and nodded.

Sara held her father's face up to look at him. "Dad? Omar loved you." she cried.

"he loved the throne, and Saira, more than me." the king finally spoke and got a hold of his emotions.

"Saira?" she asked confused, it wasn't a name she remembered.

"yes, isra's sister Saira." the king answered.

"no, isn't she dead?" Sara asked confused, nothing made sense to her.

the Omar she knew loved his father, his priority was the country and his people. her Omar loved his wife and son.

"It's a long story, my love." the king sniffled and caressed her head.

she took her father's hand and the king winced in pain.

"Dad?" Sara exclaimed looking at the wound on his shoulder.

"did Omar?" she asked, her eyes growing bigger as she realized it was a gunshot wound.

the king nodded.

Sara wrapped her arms around her father and consoled him.

Emir Kabir got up and turned to leave but the king held his hand. "please check on Suleiman." he spoke.

Kabir nodded and left. As he exited the room he could see the rest of King Shaheer's sons and daughters make their way to the room. all of them looked confused and scared, yet put on a brave face for their father.

Emir Kabir walked out of the corridor towards the room with his father and brother.

"How is the king?" emir Dayyan asked when he saw Kabir enter the room.

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