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Everyone in the room got quiet, their focus shifting to isra.

Isra stared hard at the face that was once her best friend's, which now looked almost nothing like her besides those eyes. Her eyes, were still the same shade of brown. yet, what seemed like the deep brown of a hot coffee on a winter morning back then, Now resembles the brown of the jagged rocks where oceans break their waves on.

The ordeal with the fire had left her scarred. 2nd degree burns scars ran across her left cheek down to her neck and up over her head. The shaft of her long nose had a deep but well-healed scar over it. There were scars from a gash isra had opened on her lips and cheek. the hooded jacket and pants covered her completely, but isra knew where each scar would be, being the one who gave them to her.

She walked up to them with a smile on her lips but death in her eyes.

"I've waited far too long for this." She said, her sweet voice had become raspy. isra stood defenseless as Saira put her one hand on isra's cheek pulling her into a hug.

"Why is she hugging mom?" ammar ask in what he thought was a whisper.

A sharp intense pain burst in isra's ear causing her to pull away but it only made it worse. Saira grabbed her face and isra winced as the warm blood oozed out of her earlobe. Saira let go and licked the blood on her lips.

"I missed you." She said twisting her already raw ear.

"Well Saira, you don't look good." Isra said ignoring the pain.

"All thanks to you." she said tilting her head.

Saira encircled her like a predator taunts its prey. she came to a halt behind isra, grabbing her hair and kicking the back of her knee. isra buckled down to the floor, half her body held up by her hair. Saira pulled her onto her knees by pulling on her hair.

Isra stared up at her trying to decipher her but got nothing besides anger.

She let go and punched isra' on the nose, sending shooting pain across her face. Isra tried to steady herself but Saira continued punching her. the blows fell one after another till Isra fell on the ground. she laid there trying to work her senses through the blinding pain. Before she could recuperate Saira kicked her stomach knocking all the wind out of her.

Isra spit out the blood that had gathered in her mouth, and turned over on her back. Saira stepped on isra's neck squeezing hard. isra felt the blood rushing to face and darkness engulfing her vision.

"Stop it." someone yelled and she stepped off.

"You, I missed you too." She says and moves ahead.

isra sucked in all the air she could and turned to see isra walk up to Rasheed.

She walked right up to Rasheed and grabbed his face.

"He didn't like you back then, he likes you even less now Saira." Isra croaked as she sat up.

Saira stopped at her words and kept staring at him, then slammed her head against his knocking him off his feet. The sound of skull banging against skull echoed through all the gasps in the room.

" little ammar. Not so little now are you. " She smiled looking him up and down.

"hey aunty Saira." Ammar greeted her with a brave smile.

Saira caressed his cheeks then slapped him across the face several times.

"Do you love your mother? " She asked grabbing his chin.

He nodded.

"You won't after I show you what a monster she is." She bellowed almost spitting on his face.

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