A good memory

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"Ok... I'll leave." he said, giving up.

He gave a weak smile with his dimple piercing his cheek before walking up to the door. He stopped there holding the doorknob and looked back, hoping for something. Isra was too afraid to even look at him.

He sighed and left. Isra could hear his footsteps die at the end of the hallway.

For some reason, she walked to the window, wanting a glimpse of him before he left. After a few minutes, she saw him walk to the car, and his guard opened the door. Isra noticed another person sitting in the car. King Sayf stopped at the door and looked up at the window. Their eyes met, and she hid behind the curtains. even from behind the curtains, Isra could see him smile to himself and get in. The man in the back turns his head. It was King Shaheer.

After that incident, he tried coming close to isra several times. She always got a panic attack and moved away. He then spoke to Prince ali, who knew about the incident. even speaking to the psychologist, she was seeing about the problems.

a week later, he called isra to his office to talk, and Sultan had to force her to go.

Saira had exclaimed how she wished it was her that got called.

"Then you go." Isra had yelled as Sultan forced her into the car.

When the car left, Isra was still staring at them through the window.

Saira had waved and laughed at helplessness.

Isra was led into the empty office and asked to wait. The first thing isra noticed was the portrait of King Rasheed. then king at that time King Azer and the crown prince Sayf.

She couldn't help but admire him. All she could think was that no matter how much the painter had tried, he had failed to justify his good looks. His long nose wasn't like the shaft of an arrow. His eyes didn't pierce her. Without a smile, his dimples didn't show. Isra got up out of curiosity and moved closer to the painting, trying to see his eye colour.

Isra jumped, hearing someone clear their throat and turn around. King Sayf stood there wearing all white, and he was a vision. He came towards the table, and she backed away. He sat down and gestured for her to sit. Isra swallowed hard before sitting in front of him.

"I realized my actions that night were completely inappropriate, and I apologize. " He said to her Surprise.

"What?" Isra asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Suleiman told me about everything which happened in varask. I was doing something that caused you a lot of discomfort, and I wanted to say I am sorry; I was way out of line." he said, clasping his hands together.

isra nodded a bit taken back.

"You were looking at the paintings when I came." he said, hoping to start a conversation.

"Yes, I was thinking how narcissistic it..." Isra trailed off, realizing what she was saying. He raised an eyebrow and got up. Her breath got caught in her throat again. He walked over and sat down in front of her at the table.

"You were saying." he said, leaning closer. Isra leaned back on the chair, scared to death. Nothing came out of her mouth.

"What's the matter you swallowed your tongue?" he smirked, scanning her face.

"You can't swallow your tongue it's rooted to the floor of your mouth by the lingual frenulum." Isra blurted out in panic and bit her lip at the embarrassment creeping in.

King sayf looked startled and very confused. He leaned back, trying to make sense of what she had said.

"I didn't know that." he said a little embarrassed.

"You can go." he mumbled, and Isra got up to leave.

She took two steps, and he grabbed her hand. In a panic, Isra hit him across the face. she trembled, feeling the heat of the hit on her hand. In tears, Isra looked at him. He didn't seem mad or even angry in the slightest.

"I'm sorry for my mistake. I should get used to getting hit." he said, rubbing his cheek.

"What?" Isra exclaimed, clenching her fists to her side.

"I want to get to know you...so I have to get used to the hitting, don't I? " He said, smiling.

Isra looked away and walked out, fumbling with her abaya. her face red at what she had just said to the face of the crown prince whom she had also hit.

When Isra went home and narrated the incident, the entire team had rolled on the floor laughing. The memory was good. It was simpler and happier times.

"It's been so long since I saw you smile like that." Isra got pulled back to reality.

isra looked up to see Rasheed standing in the doorway.

He walked up to her and hugged her tight enough to hurt.

"I missed you too." Isra said, patting his back.

He let go and narrowed his eyes to her.

"No jokes, no sarcasm, just be yourself today." he said, caressing her cheek.

"Why are you talking to me like I'm going to die?" Isra said to his annoyance.

He rolls his eyes hard.

"Stop rolling your eyes, big brother. It's impolite. " Isra snapped at him.

"Says the woman who rolls her eyes for miles every hour." he grumbled.

"I thought we weren't going to joke or be sarcastic. " Isra sniggered.

He pushed me away. "Why aren't you in your uniform?" She scanned him up and down.

He was wearing black pants and a shirt with a jacket on his arm.

"Because I'm going with you. " He said to her Surprise.

"Uh no, no, you're not." Isra chided.

"Yes, I am. King Shaheer said so." he argued.

"King Shaheer can't do that. It's my mission." Isra argued, taking her gun and putting it into her thigh holster. She wore her knee-length jacket and stormed out of the room.

"He told me I could go with you. " Rasheed proclaimed walking after isra.

" You can't come. I don't want you to." she said, walking down to the car.

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