a new problem

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As the sun grew bigger and bigger in the sky casting light over the ruins, Isra looked at the city one last time.

The war didn't come to the men with guns, but to the mothers, and their children. While men dropped like flies, women were left to go on with the uncertain future.

At the end of it all, no family remained intact, everyone was either a widow, a widower or an orphan. All this wreckage, this devastation was nothing compared to the devastation within.

Some suppressed it, some went mad over it but she did something far worse.

that didn't matter now, what mattered was why she came back. she came, to say goodbye, to tell her secrets. two things left to do was talk to Suleiman and spend time with ammar then go home to Mohammed and start new.

they leave the city and the ghosts of isra's past behind. This visit made her happy; Isra was able to tell that one thing she didn't tell anyone. Now she had no secrets. It felt peaceful and light.

" you're happy," Rasheed said looking at her smile.

" Yes, I want to talk to Suleiman and go back to Aurang, I told Mohammed I'd be back soon," Isra said turning the rose gold ring on her finger.

" When I get a break I'm visiting Aurang and see if he's good enough," he said still unsure about him.

" Good, you can visit, he has a cute younger sister you know. " Isra said with a smile.

He shakes his head in disbelief and pushes her to the side, Isra laughing at his embarrassment.

Rasheed reached into his pocket, pulled out his ringing phone and held it to his ear.

"Yes, What? I'm on my way," he spoke. '

"What?" Isra asked worried.

"it's Suleiman," he said holding her hand and starting to run.

they pick up the car and drive back to the train station. they board the express train but it didn't seem to go fast enough.

" what's wrong?" Isra asked reaching over and holding his hand.

He looks up at her and fidgets in his seat.

"you should hear it from the king," he said patting her hand.

"why what is it? Is he okay? Big brother." Isra pleaded with him but he ignored her and went to an empty seat to make a phone call.

Isra closed her eyes and recalled the dream from last night. a sudden fear creeped up inside her turning her hands and feet cold.

"no, it can't. " isra thought to herself. she had upgraded his security team herself and headed it for a few months. The king and isra had hand-picked the best royal guards to protect Suleiman. She trusted every one of them.

" stop trying to break your fingers." Brother Rasheed said hitting her hand.

" would you tell me what happened ?" Isra pleaded with him again.

He shakes his head and gestures at all the people in our compartment.

" at least tell me how bad it is," she said leaning close.

"We don't know yet," he said after a long sigh.

Isra turn away from him frustrated. different situations began to swarm in her head but she disregarded every one of them. no one could hurt Suleiman Not wanting to think anything bad she looked out the window.

During the long course of its history, Muluk has made more enemies than friends. right now one of them could be holding a sword to Suleiman's neck. Sudden bursts of pain startle isra from her train wreck thoughts. she had dug her nails into her palms drawing blood.

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