The First Kiss

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Isra stood in her room, trying to untangle the knots in her hair. She had washed all the sand and dirt out of it. After untangling the last knot, Isra combed her hair with a fine-tooth comb. isra looked at herself in the mirror.

There was a cut on her cheek resulting from being too close to the arrow while letting it out of the bow.

Isra looked down at her hands and arms. there were small cuts and bruising on the fingers from the many weapons she had wielded. Smiling at the success of the training she got up from near the dresser.

she hung the towel to dry and threw her hair back.

"Owww! Watch where you throw that. Somebody could lose an eye." Isra heard from behind. she turned to see Saira.

She stood there caressing her cheek where Isra's hair had hit her.

Her untied long dark hair was resting on her shoulder.

"So, how was it?" She asked, sitting on the bed.

"You stood beside me during the training, I'm sure you know how it went," Isra answered.

"I'm talking about your meeting with the crown prince Sayf, " she asked, rolling her eyes.

"I haven't met him since the training began," Isra answered.

"Huh...I wonder what he was doing in the academy then," she said almost to herself.

"You know there are many of his brothers working there." isra reminded her. She nodded.

"How's the sessions going with the psych?" Saira asked out of curiosity.

"It's fine," isra replied, not wanting to give out personal details.

"You know the only way to know if you have issues with intimacy is to get intimate, " she suggested.

"I know I have issues with intimacy, I have to get over it," isra replied, not wanting to go more into that either.

Saira opened her mouth to protest, but one of their colleagues Rashid  knocked on the door.

"I should go," Saira said, smiling.

"Him, really? Isra whispered.

She hit her and walked out of the room into his arms. Isra rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut in their faces.

Isra lay down on the bed, looking up at the white ceiling. her entire focus shifting to the events that unfolded over the last 10 months.

After the second meeting, King Sayf had almost taken it upon himself to solve Isra's problems.

He let her take time for therapy. When he found out she loved reading, he sent box after box of stories in every genre. He convinced the King to let him head the investigating team and focused all his energy on the mission and her.

Isra didn't know why he would exhaust himself over her. he had many beautiful women at home. even more women who would turn mistresses for him, yet he roamed with her like her shadow.

He was kind even when Isra yelled at him, distraught over the past memories that were being awoken. He stood patient even when she hit him in anger for picking at wounds that had closed. He never raised his voice, only kept a smile on his face, and for that smile, Isra had begun to lose her heart.

The man who stood inches from her that night put a restraint on himself at my discomfort.

Even when both sat alone in the desert, he kept his distance, but she could feel his eyes on her at all times.

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