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No matter the hurt or the fear, sometimes when your past calls you must go back.

Isra had left him and his kingdom long back. With no intention of ever going back. Still, bonds formed over a lifetime can't be broken by walking away. No matter how much her heart pressed her to stay away, Isra couldn't say no when he called.

She arrived at the kingdom at dawn. As she drove to the palace, sunlight had begun to illuminate the bustling city. The familiar roads brought back bittersweet memories. memories isra had long since stopped trying to untangle out of her hair.

"Why have you come back after so long?" Shafiq asked with a smile.

"I don't know," she replied, still unsure if she should turn back or not.

"It's Prince Suleiman, isn't it?" he asked again.

Isra nodded, he was one reason for her coming back.

Shafiq had driven her around the kingdom for over 20 years. She felt that she owed him the answer.

"Why did you leave? And not come back for the late king sayf?" He began to sound angry.

"Forgive me Shafiq, but I have no answer for that," Isra replied agitated.

She took a deep breath, letting it go slowly. She knew that everyone would asked her the same question. Yet no matter how much they asked, they either refused or were unwilling to accept the truth.

So, she stayed silent and of all the silences they had shared in their many years, this was the most uncomfortable.

Instead of mulling over the past Isra looked outside and took in the view.

Muluk, the city of kings, is a unison of tribes built by the then-tribe leader Rasheed and his many sons. With over 20 million residents the country boasted of huge oil wealth. Despite this, the country is better known for its natural precious stone deposits. Better yet, for the skill of its jewellers. The location of the kingdom was an oil-rich desert. most of the oil wealth was used by the rulers to make the country self-sufficient. They converted thousands of acres to greenhouses and irrigation sites using underground water.

The people of Muluk went from barefooted Bedouins to the richest people in the world.

In five years, everything had changed. Yet, the palace of gold still shimmered in the sunlight, and the voice of a king still echoed in its halls.

At the palace gates, the guards checked the cars then the large doors opened. As the car entered the palace premises, isra felt more and more tense.

"I didn't think that your loyalty for King Sayf would have ever changed. I guess I was wrong." Shafiq said looking at her through the rearview mirror. Isra felt her grip on the car door handle weakens.

Before she could answer, the door was flung open and isra was pulled into a hug.

"I missed you, Mom." Ammar, the youngest son of King Sayf, said in a muffled voice.

Warm happiness takes over her. It was still as warm as the first time she held him as a newborn.

Isra hugged him tight, in five years the young boy had grown into a young man. She let go and looked at his handsome face, which he had taken after his mother. The same dark hair and light brown eyes.

"Let's go in, I have so much to tell you." He said holding her hand and half running into the palace.

"I didn't think anything would bring you back" a voice brought them to a halt.

It was the current crown prince of the kingdom Omar.

"Why wouldn't she come back?" Ammar asked in dismay.

Confronting ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora