An igloo and two oblivious idiots-Part 2

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(Smg3 goes a little[I actually mean a lot] out of character here, but that's my sleep paralysis demon's fault i'm only doing it because he did)

Smg4 gets up and looks around trying to figure out where he is, but he doesn't find any land mark he can recognize, he could be close to the castle or kilometers away. The cold eventually makes Smg4 retreat back to the igloo, he drops on the bed and lays there for a while, his entire left side aches as if had been run over by a bicycle.

Smg4 unable to sleep due to the pain he decides to eat something, the hardest part was getting up from the bed, it was so comfortable and warm but Smg4 eventually manages to make it to the fridge, there is actually a lot of options of food that Smg4 hadn't seen before so he decides to try some out.

After he was done he still has no idea what he could do to get out of this situation faster, he won't survive being stuck here for a week without internet. Suddenly he remembers something, Smg3 was able to open portals with his meme powers than certainly Smg4 could do it too.

He gets out once more ignoring the cold breeze, he tries to concentrate on the meme power within him and thinks about the internet graveyard. He feels his powers stir but nothing happens, he attempts again but still finds no success. He goes back to the igloo defeated once more. If only there was someone to teach him how to open portals...

Smg3 is his only option but it's not like they can talk at any time, and the day has just began so he would have to wait until later to sleep, but the thought of going back to contemplating snow makes Smg4 shudder. He needs a way to talk to Smg3 NOW.

Smg4 sits on the floor and crosses his legs in a meditative position, he remembers Smg1 telling him to open up to Smg3, back then he couldn't but right now he is down right determined to do it, one way or another.

Smg1 was really vague when he said that he had to open up to 3, but now Smg4 is pretty sure he knows what to do. It's difficult but he has to try, otherwise what else will he do? Look at snow?? Smg4 prefers death than to be subjected to analysing snow.

Smg4 searches deep within himself to try and find Smg3, he found old memories that had been long lost to him and knew he was in the right track, Smg3 has to be somewhere around here.

Smg4 losses all concentration when he feels something watching him, he looks behind him and briefly sees Smg3 but he disappears.

"We are still here? Why?" Smg3's voice can be heard but Smg4 can't tell the direction of the sound. And neither can he see the man it feels like hearing a ghost.

"I need help to leave, how do i open portals like you do?" Smg4 speaks eager to leave this place but he receives no answer.

"C'mon don't you want to leave??" Smg4 waits but his only response is more silence.

Smg4 grumbles at nothing and tries again to reach out to Smg3, this time Smg3 meets him halfway through.

"The connection is unstable" Smg3 starts up.

"How do we stabilize it?" Smg4 asks.

"Stop fighting me" Smg3 says.

"I am not" Smg4 answers, Smg3 stays silent.

"Ok maybe i am, but it's unconscious how do i stop it?" Smg4 admits.

"No idea" Smg3 answers simply.

"Great that helps a lot" Smg4 says sarcastically. They stay quiet for a while.

"Do you hate me?" Smg3 asks.

Smg4 is surprised by the question "Where did that come from?"

"Answer" Smg3 demands impatiently.

"Well you pretty much tried to kill me and my friends many times, so i don't like you but hate is a strong word" Smg4 answers, Smg3 stays quiet after that.

Smg4 stays there analysing something that isn't snow for once, his memories of Smg3 before the whole magic rock situation where blurry. Sure he remembers having sleep paralysis and seeing him but it feels like centuries ago, and even then he didn't hate Smg3 he was just a minor inconvenience, then why would he ask that?

He also remembers being friends with Smg3 at some point, but still the whole situation is still strange and unexplained. He remembers seeing Smg3 in meme college but he was never there, it implies that at some point he and Smg3 could seamlessly communicate at any time. Again Smg4 concentrates to stablish the connection again, it takes less time now that he knows where to search.

"Do you remember meme college?" Smg4 asks, curious to Smg3's perspective in it.

"Yes" Smg3 answers simply.

"Do you remember anything that can help?" Smg4 asks but Smg3 simply remains quiet. This angers Smg4, he is doing all the work and Smg3 isn't even trying to help.

"You know what!? I give up on you, you can keep sulking in whatever corner of my mind you're on for all i care" Smg4 says and quickly stands up from his spot on the floor, he could feel Smg3 try to reach out to him but this time Smg4 actively pushes him away.

Smg4 looks outside and it's already dark, he spent all day and still has no way of leaving here. He is really stressed and kinda blew up on 3 there, being without internet is really getting to him. He'll have time to regret it later for now all he needs is to eat something and go to sleep.

He takes his time chosing and eating whatever frozen thing he found on the fridge. He already feels bad for doing that to 3 but he needs to sleep first, they'll have time to speak in the morning.

Smg4 gets in bed this night is colder than the last but at least he falls asleep quickly, it's a dreamless kind of sleep the kind you wake up from and barely realize you were even sleeping. Once he is awake Smg4 recognizes the sleep paralysis and wastes no time in dragging Smg3 out of hiding.

"Sorry for yesterday, this place is getting to me" Smg4 apologizes

"you had no one" Smg3 says.

"What?" Smg4 asks.

"That's why our communication was so easy" Smg3 explains.

"You mean we could talk because i was lonely?" Smg4 asks again.

"lonely kids grow up with imaginary friends, difference being that i wasn't imaginary" Smg3 says.

"So i made friends and because of that we couldn't talk anymore" Smg4 says.

"You were always very imaginative, and being lonely made you spend even more time in your head... With me" Smg3 continues "having friends didn't make us stop talking, it was you who chose to stop"

"I hated you for it" Smg3 says after a pause.

"I'm sorry. i didn't know" Smg4 apologizes.

"I don't think knowing would have changed anything" Smg3 says.

"I would have tried to help, i don't like to hurt people i care about, i might not remember much but i would really like to try being friends again" Smg4 says.

Smg4 feels Smg3's arms hold him in a hug, he still can't move but he closes his eyes and embraces the fake warmth provided.

"I would like that as well" Smg3 says from behind Smg4.

Smg4 Slowly feels the feeling disappear as the sleep paralysis ends.

(When this happened to me i swear my first thought was like, my sleep paralysis demon went through some major character development while i wasn't looking. The actual thing was way different than what i wrote here, as my sleep paralysis demon doesn't even speak, but who needs words when we can have hugs?)

(It took me a long time to write just this, and i have no excuse other than my crippling swtor/Ark addictions returning, but i've got it under control this time i swear)

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 20 ⏰

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