Out of control

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Mario was still frozen in place when he heard the voice of Susan and smg4, at first he thinks he is imagining it, but then remembers his imagination isn't this good so it has to be reality.

"Esss emm geeh four?" Mario asks expecting an answer.
"Mario! You hear me?" Smg4 asks back.
"Yes Mario can hear" he answers looking for the source of the sound, but he doesn't see smg4 anywhere.

"Look Mario things aren't good and you are our only hope" smg4 says sounding like that's the worse thing in the world, but Mario knows it isn't the first time mario is needed to save smg4's ass.

"You need to get smg3's phone, with it we should be able to re upload the videos and go back to our realm" Susan says "I'll free you now, DO NOT FAIL" and with that Mario is finally unstuck.

It didn't take much looking around to find smg3, the man was as discreet as an elephant. Smg3 is yelling at his crew because of something related to smg4.
"I am better than smg4 whatever he can do i do better. Now get out of here before i get any more angry" smg3 orders and the crew obeys. When they finally leave, Mario launches himself at smg3 while screaming, the man looks in his direction and quickly dodges the attack.

"Mario??? how did you escape?" Smg3 asks genuinely curious. Mario throws a punch in his direction, he missed the punch but it allowed him to get close enough to smg3 that he take his phone. Smg3 punches Mario back and aims the controller at him.

"I didn't want to delete you but you leave me no choice" smg3 says right before finally deleting Mario.

When smg4 sees Mario falling in the graveyard he initially worried they were doomed, but Mario gives him smg3's phone and he almost faints.

"Upload the videos, i am inching to delete that rat bastard" Susan says, making smg4 hurry up to upload the videos.

When they return they are face to face with 3 again, Susan is the first to act, she temporarily disabled the controller. Smg3 looks scared at the display of power from Susan.

"The controller knows i am it's owner, you won't escape this time" Susan says sounding very threatening. Smg3 acts in desperation and resets the controller causing it to attack everyone in sight, it freezes Susan right before going inside jubjub.

"I must choose the owner of the controller" It asks. Smg4 and smg3 both say at the same time "choose me" jubjub looks at both of them and says "guess we'll have to do a competition"

Wotfi 2020 happens. I am not going to write all the challenges.

Dramatic lights turn on smg3 as he prepares his speech. Everyone already looks bored and smg3 hasn't even started his monologue yet, he starts off by saying "to keep things from getting too boring what about i do a little play instead, but I'll need an assistant"

Boopkins is excited by that "a play like in theaters, i want to be the assistant" he goes up to 3 "can I be one of the good guys I can...." Boopkins is interrupted by 3 picking him up and hanging him over the ledge.

"I am tired of playing games, give me the controller or i'll drop him" he looks over at jubjub who looks conflicted.

"He means nothing to me i... NO STOP" jubjub then gives the controller to smg3. Smg3 let's go of boopkins and the crew prepares to fight.

They start to fight, smg3 shoots everywhere but misses almost everyone, it seems that Susan put a protection on the main cast. The anti cast works on keeping the smg4 crew at bay while smg3 tries to break the plot armor.

Smg3 lands a shot but the plot armor was thicker than he thought, instead of killing meggy he gave her the ability to speak English.

Meggy looked at both the casts fighting and spoke "you guys don't need to fight us, smg3 is the one manipulating everyone here to get what he wants" the anti cast looked at her and then at 3 who was stunned.

"You guys don't believe her, right?" Smg3 asks while trying to keep his distance, he can't keep them all at bay not with the plot armor stoping him from hitting them.

"Well you've done nothing but complain about us and besides i don't hate smg4 that much" belle said "you promised me corn, where is my CORN" rob said angrily. Other members of the anti cast could be heard complaining in the background.

They all united to fight smg3 but he still had one more card up his sleeves. He began to open portals forcing the crew to redirect themselves to not get stuck in the graveyard again, he also ate the controller to completely access it's power.

The smg4 crew struggles to get close to smg3 with his constant attacks, and they were actually losing numbers as most of the anti cast got frozen and boopkins and Luigi fell into a portal and got stuck in the graveyard. Smg4 wasn't about to give up though, being the owner of the channel means he has the thickest plot armor out of the entire crew, he needs to do something quickly.

He runs in when he thinks 3 is distracted, but just before he could catch him a portal opened beneath his feet and he fell into it. Smg4 begins to panic, he needs to stop smg3 or else... He hears a sound behind him and sees a giant dead meme looking at him.

"Use this, now go there and stop him" the meme said giving him a phone, smg4 looked at it confused "return here when you succeed and all will be explained" it says before leaving. Smg4 uses the phone and creates a portal behind 3, he jumps in and surprise attacks smg3, from there the fight turned around and smg3 was finally defeated.

Susan was now unfrozen and very angry "you bastard DARED to touch my controller, i will ban you from Xbox live and send you to the internet graveyard where you'll hopefully be eaten by some stray Uganda knuckles and then..." Susan is interrupted by smg4 "but he can open portal from the internet graveyard" Susan looks at him and almost sounds sad "fine i'll just put him in Jail or something" she handcuffs him and drags him behind her.

They won and now everything is back to normal but smg4 has so many questions, who is smg3 really, how did that meme know he needed help stopping smg3 and most importantly why did that meme help him. Guess he'll have to go back to the graveyard to figure that out, and also to save boopkins and luigi.

Breaking a promise I made to myself Where stories live. Discover now