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Smg3 pov

I had spent all day setting traps, hiring assassins, poisoning food, shooting, arming bombs, throwing grenades, planting mines, i even attempted to nuke the castle but nothing worked. I was frustrated, nothing i did killed the man and even worse his friends where on high alert because of my attacks.

I am currently in front of my enemy, holding a gun with no ammo, my aim was never the best but missing every shot is just embarrassing. The man wasn't even scared anymore, it was basically routine for us now. This is normally the moment i run away to the graveyard, but right now i am just so frustrated that i can't even move.

"why do you hate me?" Smg4 asked taking advantage of the silence and lack of murderous attempts. I looked him in the eyes. I might not remember exactly how it started but i remember enough to keep going, enough to fuel my rage, enough to give me purpose.

"You broke your promise" i say, there's more to that but this should be enough. He looks confused "promise? What promise??" My blood boils with rage, HE FORGOT of course he forgot, but I didn't, I can't.

"You promised we'd be together forever, but I see your forever lasted so little" i say, and before he can speak again i hear footsteps quickly approaching, i quickly open a portal and exit the scene before i get cought.

Smg4 pov

I stood there shocked. I didn't immediately remember, but when he spoke that last part it was as if it unlocked a memory i had lost.

"Smg4 are you okay?" Meggy asks, i push aside my thoughts, right now i just need to get somewhere safe, i'll think over this later"yeah i'm fine" i answer her.

-----Time skip----- smg4 gets to the castle ----

While i got ready to sleep i started to think back on the memory i just remembered, it was foggy but what he could understand was that at some point at meme college before i got popular, i was friends with a dude called smg3. We promised we'd be friends forever or something like that, but after i got popular 3 just disappeared.

But this doesn't make any sense, if we were friends then why did smg3 disappear? how did smg3 become my sleep paralysis demon? I had so many questions and so little to work with, maybe i could ask someone from the meme college to know what happened with smg3.

Smg4 barely slept that night, thinking about the thousands of possibilities as to why all this happened.

Breaking a promise I made to myself Where stories live. Discover now